Chapter. 7

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When he finished I got up and laid beside him, he was breathing heavy he was looking at me I can tell. Next thing I know he reached over and ran his hand up my stomach to my breast and cup them, I turned to look at him and he blushed.

"I want to make you feel like you just did me." Oh he got brave.

"Then you need to do this." I take his hand and run it slowly down to my underwear I look up to see him watching.

"You sure Aaron?" He nodded. I put his hand under my panties and guide his finger to my nub and move in circular motion.

"Just keep doing that okay?" I look up and his bitting his bottom lip.

"Okay." I move my hand and let him do it and god this was pure ecstasy. His good not to know what his doing. I moan his name and he picks up the paste which makes it ten times better. I reach up and kiss him hungry and he kisses back. I reach down and take two of his fingers and pushing them in me I heard him grasp.

"You okay?"

"Yea I never done this so you have to show me." I reach my hand back down to his and start pumping in and out. I let go of his hand and he does it on his own.

"Fuck Aaron." His doing an amazing job. When said that he started to go faster and sent me over the edge.

"Shit Aaron don't stop." And he didn't he went even faster and I could feel my walls tighten around his fingers.

"Oh god." He said and it made me smile.

"Fuck yea Aaron I'm bout to cum." I said as I arched my back and came unglued. He pulled fingers out. I laid back trying to catch my breath. He looded at me and blushed.

"You did good Aaron."

"Thanks." He said pulling up his jeans and seating back on the bed.

"Did you like it Aaron, how it felt?" I asked.

"Yes I like that I can make you feel like you did me." I smiled and leaned up so I was face to face with him.

"You think that felt amazing wait to you fuck me it's ten times better Aaron."

"I don't know how anything can top that." He said oh yea his coming out of his shell.

"Well it does and when your ready to do it let me know. " he nodded his head.

" I should get home ok. "

"Yea Aaron see you Monday okay?" He got up and put his shirt back on.

"Okay thanks for the night Emily." I stood and pecked him on the lips.

"No thank you Aaron." He nodded and walked out. I strip and get in the shower so I can get some sleep. This boy is very interesting I don't know why but I like messing with him it fun.

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