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I woke up the next morning and got dressed to go to school and went downstairs grabbed a bite to eat and walked out to my bike Aaron wasn't outside so I decided to push my bike over to his driveway and wait for him to come out. A few minutes went by before he came out his house and smiled at me.

"Need a ride sexy?" He laughed and nodded his head. He got on and we went to school. I walked to my first class and thought about I forgot to ask Aaron if he wanted to go to the party tonight, so I pulled out my phone and texted him.

Emily- hope u don't have any plans for tonight?

Aaron- No why?

Emily- u are coming with me to a party at the lake. :)

Aaron- I don't know I never been to a party before. :(

Emily- U will be alright with me there with u ;)

Aaron- okay :)

Yes I got him to go tonight I can't wait to see how he acts at a party hopefully he will have fun. The rest of the day went by in a brezze, before I know it I'm dropping off Aaron and go home to change for the party. After straightening my hair and checking how I look and if I do say so myself I look hot. I go down and tell my brother not to wait up that I was going to a party.

"Emily please be careful but I won't be home tonight I'm going to Amy's house for the night." I told him okay and kissed him on the cheek and walked over to Aaron's house, knocking on the door he opened and my jaw hit the floor. He was hot he had on a black pair of jeans and a plain white v-neck shit.

"Hey is what I'm wearing ok?" I looked at him from head to toe and licked my lips.

"You look hot Aaron." He blushed.

"You look good to Emily." He said getting on the back of my bike.

"Hold on tight lover boy." He laughed as I took off to the lake. This is going to be one hell of a night. We pulled up to the lake ten minutes later, I got off my bike after Aaron did. He looked around and then turn back to me.

"There is alot of people here." His so innocent.

"Yea there always alot of people to come to the lake just stick close by okay?" He nodded and we made our way over to my group of friends.

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