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I woke up to kisses up and down my neck and face, god I'm going to kill Aiden for waking me up. I open my eyes to scold him but he had that sexy smirk on his lips.

"I made you breakfast in bed baby." Aww it was the cutest thing, he had a bowl of cereal some fruit and a glass of Orange juice he was to sweet.

"Thanks Aiden but I can eat downstairs with you." He took the tray off of me and stood up.

"Okay come on lets eat." He said we made our way downstairs to the kitchen where I made his breakfast just like mine. We sat and talked while we ate. I glanced out the kitchen window to see Aaron sitting on the front porch of his house looking in our window great now his stalking us.

"I have to go Em, but I want to take you out tonight." Aiden said getting up to put his bowl in the sink. I got up and went to put my bowl in the sink to but trapped him at the sink. I ran my fingers up his shoulders and down his abs while kissing his neck.

"Okay babe just text me." I whispered in his ear. He turned around picking me up and seating me down on the island and kissed me hard and hungry, I open to let him in and it didn't take him long to play with my tongue. I sucked his tongue and he pulled away.

"Baby if we don't stop I won't leave." I nodded he pecked my lips one last time before he left. I decided to go shower and get dressed.

God the water felt heavenly with my phone playing music in the background, washing my body and hair and shaving I get out the shower to get a towel when I see someone standing in my bathroom. What the fuck?

"What the hell Aaron?" He smirked looking me up and down. Shit. He started walking closer and backed up with every step he took, my back hit the shower door.

"I want you Em I want you so bad." He was right in front his body pressed to mine. I can't do this he made his mind up and so have I.

"You need to leave Aaron." He looked down at me.

"I want you the way he had you." He said bending down to kiss my neck I push him away.

"Aaron you had your chance and you blow it now get the fuck out my house."

"Please baby I want you I love you." What the hell? That moment Aiden decided to walk in my bathroom and the hurt on hia face tore me apart.

"What the Fuck is going on here?" He looked from me to Aaron that is still standing in front of my naked body. Fuck this does not look good.

"Aiden babe this is not what it looks like." I reached around Aaron to get my robe.

"I knew it was to good to be true." No his got it all wrong.

"Now is the time for you to speak up." I looked at Aaron. He looked at Aiden and smirked.

"She's fucking beautiful right?" I seen fire go through Aiden, he went up to Aaron and started punching him until I pulled him away.

"Aiden babe, listen I was taking a shower and when I got out he was just here and I told him to leave and he would not listen."

"I don't know what to think, I should leave." He said No.

"No he should leave not you." I pointed to Aaron on the floor.

"I need to go I think I need time." He turned and walked out. It crushed me to see him go.

"Get the fuck out my house NOW." Aaron got up and left also.

I got dressed in baggy clothes cause I know now that I will not being going on my date with Aiden. I hope he don't take to long, why did it hurt so damn bad to watch him walk out that door mad at me? Why was I curled up in my bed crying over my best friend for walking out on me? Do I love him? I don't know but I feel like my heart has been hit with a hammer. Please Aiden believe me cause I think I'm falling and falling fast.

I will be updating once a week now. Sorry !

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Pic of Aiden

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