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I got up got dressed went downstairs for some breakfast. When finished I walked out and lean against my bike to wait for Aaron. Five minutes past he still didn't come what the fuck is taking him so long? I walk to his house and ring the doorbell, his dad answers.

"Is Aaron ready?" He looked confused.

"Aarons already gone." What?

"Oh okay." Who did he leave with?

I got on my bike and headed to school, he didn't even text me or call to tell me he wasn't riding with me. When I pulled up to the parking lot I seen the black car seating there two spots down from me, guess who got out of it? Aaron and his ex slut. What the hell is he doing? All I seen was red. I walked over to this bitch.

"What the fuck Aaron?" He looked scared, he should be.

"Sorry Emily she just showed up."

"So you blow me off for this slut?" She looked at me pissed.

"I am not a slut, you are." Oh hell no. That's all it took from me to walk up to her and punch her in the face, she fell to the ground crying.

"You know what Aaron you can have the fucking bitch." I said walking away to the school. He was right on my heels.

"Baby I'm sorry okay she just showed up wanting to give me a ride."

"So jump in the car with her without even calling or texting me to let me know fuck you Aaron." I walked off to my class. When I got to my class my phone kept buzzing grabbing it out my back pocket looking at it I had two from Aaron and one from Aiden.

I pulled up Aidens first.

Are you okay I seen lover boy with his slut this morning? A

Yea I punched her.E

Wow good her you do you want to go to the warehouse after school to blow off so steam? ;) A

Yea sounds good meet me by my bike.E

Ok Em see you at lunch.A


I went to open up the text from Aaron and the bell rang for our next class, grabbing my stuff making my way to my locker and there stood Aaron great.

"What do you want?" He frowned.

"Please don't but mad at me Emily." Is he stupid?

"Aaron just leave it alone ok." He shook his head and walked away.

I went to my next period it was boring as hell before I knew it was lunch time. I walked over to get my food and seen the slut (Kelly) she had a black eye that I'm very proud of. When I got to the end of the line and saw Aiden waving to me making my way over to him and sat down.

"Emily you sure your okay?" He asked.

"Yea you see that bitches face don't you?" He laughed and shook his head.

"So you going to fight me this afternoon? "

"As long as I don't get a black eye like the slut." He laughed. When lunch was over he said he see me after school and I can't wait to let out some this fire building up in me.

What y'all think so far? Emily and Aaron are back and forth but I'm loving.

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