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I sat in the living room waiting for Aiden to show up. I can't believe Aaron blow me off for his ex. He can't get mad at me for inviting Aiden over cause me and Aiden never dated. Just then the door bell rang I got up to go answer the door and there stood Aiden.


"Hey come in." He walked in the living room and sat down.

"Really Emily Vampire Diaries?" I smiled and nodded.

"Yes I love Damon." He shook his head.

"So your lover boy left to go help his ex move?" I frowned.


"Then we need to go smoke this so you can feel better." He said holding up a joint.

"Hell yea lets go to my room." We got up and went to my room to smoke. By the time we were done we was laughing at anything and everything. It took my mind off Aaron and that's exactly why Aiden brought it, he is to sweet sometimes.

"You want to watch a movie?"

"Yea sure what do you have in here?" He got up and picked putting it into the dvd player.

"Really Transformers?" He nodded with a smile.

"Yea Magen Foxs is hot as hell."

"I do agree." He laughed and laid down on my bed and pulled me closer to him with my head on his chest this is so nice. We both most have fell asleep because that next thing I know I was waking up to shouting. What the fuck.

"What the hell is going on?" A pissed off Aaron yelled.

"Would you lower your voice?" He looked at me then to a now standing Aiden.

"We were watching a movie I guess we fell asleep no big deal." Aaron looked shocked.

"No big deal." I nodded and looked at Aiden he shrugged.

"So it's no big deal to find your girlfriend in bed with another guy?" What the fuck is his problem?

"Nothing happened Aaron and what right do you have at least his not my fucking ex?" Aaron looked pissed off.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He yelled back.

"Oh I don't know I guess I'm wrong you can go help your ex move but I can't watch a movie with my best friend and happen to fell asleep? " he looked at Aiden and then me.

"How do I know nothing happened Emily?" Okay did he just really ask that?

"I don't know Aaron believe what the fuck you want." I was pissed the fuck off how dare he?

"I think I'm going to go Em call you later?" Aiden said looking at me.

"Okay Aiden thanks for being there for me." He smiled and left out my room.

"Exactly how was he there for you Emily?" Okay is he fucking stupid.

"He was there for support while my boyfriend was with his ex that's how he keep my mind off of it." Aaron look to be cooling off but I was far from cooling off I was fucking on fire.

"Baby I'm sorry I shouldn't have." He said walking up to me and putting his arm's around my waist.

"I think you should leave Aaron."

"What?" He was shocked.

"You heard me I'm pissed at you I think you should leave." I took his arms from around my waist and backed up.

"Is that really what you want?" I shook my head and he turned around and climbed back to his house. Why did he have to blow up like that? Everything was going good and he had to ruin it.

So are y'all team Aiden or Team Aaron? Please comment.

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