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I just got off of Emily's bike and as soon as she got off Mason was right by her side. God I don't like that boy at all. He is always around her and all over her. He whispers something in her ear she smiles and nods god why did she have to do these things in front of me.

"I will see you after school lover boy." She said as she ran her hand down my chest.

Mason grabs her arm and pulls her to her bike, he jumps in the front to drive and her behind him with her arms wrapped around him and they take off just like that. I stomp away to go into school God that girl drives me crazy and I hate him with a passion. Aiden walked beside and I looked over to him.

"You know you shouldn't waste your time and energy being pissed off." Aiden says looking straight ahead.

"Why do you say that?" I asked him.

"Cause I was in your shoes before believe me she doesn't do relationship. "

"Y'all use to mess around? " I asked him confused.

"No I wish man." He said and walked away to his class. What just happened? Oh God he likes her. I sat in all my classes thinking about Emily she's not good for me but I can't stop thinking about her. The last bell rang and I got all my stuff and walked out the front doors to the parking lot to see Emily leaning on her bike look hot as hell. I walked up to her.

"You ready lover boy?" She asked flirting with me with made me snap.

"I'm walking I don't need a ride." Starting to walk off, she grabbed my arm.

"What, why?"

"Just got back to your other lover boy Mason and leave me alone." I yelled at her and walked away. I got home twenty minutes later and her bike wasn't in the driveway. Where was she?


I can't believe Aaron what is his problem? He just blow me off. Is it because I left with Mason? I don't know why but it pissed me off,  why it's not like I care about him. Fuck it.

"Looks like you need to go to the lake?" Aiden came up to me.

"Yeap that's exactly what I need come on." He got on my bike and we were off to the lake.

A hour and two blunts later I was high and so was Aiden. He is hot I don't know why I never had sex with him, he always would try but I never did why? I have no clue.

I drop Aiden off and went home it was late and I was so tried but my mind would not get off Aaron and it's driving me fucking crazy.

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