Chapter. 26

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The next morning when I woke up and got dressed the first thing I done was call Aiden god I hope he picks up.


"Are you still mad?"

"No I understand, you can't control what he does it just scared me cause you cried for Em." His worried about me leaving him for Aaron.

"Me and him are over Aiden,  its Me and you now. "

"Good be ready at 6 I'm taking you out."

"Really what do I wear?"

"Something comfortable. " good I hate dressing up.

"Okay I'll be ready."

"Okay babe see you then." When I hung up with Aiden I had the biggest smile on my face I went down and washed some clothes and cleaned up some. I was watching a movie when I heard my phone ring. Answering it I thought it was Aiden.

"Hey babe."

"Hey you ready to come back to a real man?" Fuck it was Mason. What the hell does he want?

"I think I have a real man already." Mason laughed.

"What that fucking wannabe, Aiden ain't got shit on this and you know it." It was my turn to laugh.

"Keep telling yourself that, what do you want?"

"I want you to come over and seat that nice ass in my lap and ride the fuck out of me." What a pig.

"Sorry Mason but your ship sailed long ago."

"You miss me and you know it." Shit its five already.

"I don't got time for this Mason I got to go and stop calling me. " I hung up and ran to the bathroom to get ready for my date with Aiden. As soon as I was done the doorbell rang, running downstairs to answer the door there he stood with all his glory.

"Come in I got to grab my phone." He walked in and shut the door. I came back downstairs when I got my phone Aiden stood up when he seen that I was ready. Walking to the door to leave but somehow I found my back to it with Aiden kissing me hot and heavy,  his tongue traced mine and damn did it turn me on, I was first to brake the kiss.

"Aiden if we continue we will not leave this house." He smirked at me and walked out hold open my door for me to get in the car. He took my to the cafe down the road we talked and eat for a hour it was nice. We are in the car to head back home a guess but when we pulled up to the end of a road with nothing but woods I knew where we were the lake. He got out and opened my door for me and taking my hand leading the way to the lake when we got there I could not believe my eyes. He had a blanket wirh candles all around it with a bowl of chocolate cover strawberries and red wine on ice.

"I hope you like it." I smiled at Aiden.

"Like it I love it, I hope you are going to be feeding me those? " I pointed to the strawberries. He smirked at me.

"If you want me to. " I nodded and we sat down he poured us some wine and picked up a strawberry in his hand.

"No like this." I took the strawberry put it in my mouth and brought it up to his for him to take a bit and he did.

"That's such a turn on." He laughed. He did the same for me but that's not all I wanted for him, I pulled up his shirt and he lifted his arms so I can take it off, I ran my hands down to his jeans unbuttoned them and reached my hand in to take him out, I wear a black leather skirt with no panties. So when I sat on him and he entered me he grasped surprised.

"Fuck Em." I started grinding slow as we were both seating up with my arms around his neck, he pushed my shirt down and bra and started sucking on my breast while I rode him slowly taking my time with him.

"Em please go faster." I wasn't I wanted it slow to show him how much a cared. He grabbed my hips and thrusted in me deeper and thats all it took for me to pick up the paste.

"Damn it Aiden. "He sucked on my neck breast and ear making me reach my peck the sametime as he did I stayed where I was on him.

"Why did you torcher me like that?"

"I wanted to go slow to show you how I felt." I looked in his eyes and I think he just now got it.

"Baby are you saying...?" I didn't let him finish that question.

"That I love you Aiden, I'm in love with you." He kissed me and jumped up doing his jeans back and doing the happy dance I guess that's what he was doing I laughed my ass off at him.

This story is almost over maybe four or five more chapters. :( sorry guys.

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