Chapter. 16

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When I woke up the next morning Emily was still sleeping. She was so breathtaking even sleeping with her everywhere and mouth slightly opened, I reached up and moved I strand of her hair out her face and she started to wake up, she opened her beautiful eyes and smiled.

"How did you sleep baby?" I can't get use to calling her that she's all mine.

"Good you?"

"It was nice having you in my arms." She kissed my cheek and got up to go to the bathroom. She came back out with her hair in a bun on top of her head.

"What are you doing today?" She's not going to like the answer to that.

"I have to help Kelly's parents move into there new house." She looked pissed but I don't want Kelly she hurt me once not going to let that happen again.

"Fine." She said and went to her closet. I got up put on my clothes and walked over to closet she was throwing clothes everywhere. I grabbed her hand and puahed her against the wall and kissed her in a hot make out.

"Baby don't worry it's only you okay?" She smiled and looked up at me.

"I better be, when did you so bold?" I laughed and pecked her again.

"When you gave me the ride of my life last night. " I smirked at her which made her laugh.

"Okay lover boy when you get done come back to me okay?" She asked.

"I will be ready at 7 cause we are going on our first date." She shook her head and kissed me.

"See you later babe." She said and I climbed to my room.


Why can't she love me the way I love her? Now this fucking geek comes and takes her? I know I have to wait cause I know the fucker will do something wrong. I will be there to put those pieces back together and then maybe just maybe she will love me back. I hope anyways. I decided to text her to see what she was doing today.

Seating here bored, lover boy left to go help his ex move. Em:)

You want to hangout till he comes back? Aiden;)

Yea come on over.Em:)

Okay on my way.Aiden

Can't wait. Em

I get dressed and make my way over to her place.

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