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My god what was she doing she just doesn't care. She's really pretty but she just scared the crap out of me. I know her type bad girl and all me and her don't go good together I'm nothing like her I get good grades and never get in trouble. I got done with my homework and went to take a cold shower. When I got out I looked over in her room and she was lying in her bed with the lamp on.

I went and laid in my bed and turned the lights off but I could not stop thinking about her the way she made me feel I have never felt that good before. I wanted to go to her room but I don't know her that well, I pushed my thoughts of her way and tried to fall asleep. The next thing I know I heard moaning and I looked over to her room and couldn't believe that she kept her blinds opened. Mason had her pinned against the wall while they had sex.Why would she do that right after she left my house? I didn't want to keep looking but it was hard not to. She was saying his name and I don't know why but I wanted it to be my name coming from her plump lips. God what was this girl doing to me.

I got up to close my blinds so I could get some sleep but before I closed then our eyes met and she smiled. What the crap was that she smiled at me while having sex with someone else's. I shook my head and went and laid back down and fell asleep dreaming about Emily.

I woke up the next morning and had to take a cold shower. I have never had a wet dream before but god was it good. Stop Aaron stop thinking about her. I got out and got dressed for school and went down had breakfast and walked to the end of the driveway to catch the bus.

She came out her house with her short shorts and short tank top that showed her belly button ring she was even prettier today than yesterday. She walked to where I was standing.

"Hey I can give you a ride Aaron". She said smiling.

"I can take the bus its fine". I said she stepped closer.

"Get on the damn bike Aaron." She nibbled my ear.

"I saw you watching last night Aaron. " I blushed and looked down.

"Hey its okay can I tell you something?" She asked and I nodded.

"I wish it was you and not Mason." I grasped at that thought.

"Now are you coming?" She asked and I said yea. Getting on her bike and off to school we go. When we pulled up to school and got off everybody was stairing, we got off and went to her group of friends we said our hellos and when me and Emily started to walk off Mason grabbed her arm and ask to talk to her alone. She nodded and told me to go head she see me at lunch. So I went in and went to my class.

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