Chapter. 19

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I woke up the next morning with Aaron's arms around my waist, I'm glad we made up. I slowly got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix this birds nest on top of my head. When I came back out and Aaron was still asleep so I went downstairs to watch some T.v. when I heard Aaron come down the stairs I looked up.

"Hey baby." He said with a smile.

"Hey did you sleep well? 

"Yea it was great." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"How bout I go get dressed and we go to the diner?" It sounds like fun.

"Yea I will go get ready just walk back over when your ready okay?" He nodded and kissed me before walking back to his house.

I went up stairs and put on my black skinny jeans and white tank top with black pumps and leather jacket.  Just when I was walking out my bathroom the doorbell rang.  Running down the stairs to open the door for Aaron.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yea come on." He got on my bike and we were off to the diner.

Once we were in the booth at the diner we talked and laughed it was fun. I still can't believe her acted they way he did about Aiden. Guess who walks in the door to the diner? Mason of all people, he came right up to us.

"What do you want Mason?" He looked at me with a smile.

"It was Aiden and now the fucking geek?" What the hell.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You stop sleeping with me for these freaks, are you stupid or just blind?" Oh hell no he didn't. Before I could say anything he looked at Aaron.

"You will never satisfied her." He laughed. I looked over at Aaron to see him frown and look down shit.

"He already has Mason more than you ever could, I moved on to bigger and better things." I smirked at him and he walked away.

"Don't listen to him Aaron you were perfect." He looked up and smiled.

"Let's get out of here?"

"Yea let's go." Aaron says and we walk out the door, Aaron stopped at my bike and looked at me.

"What?" He looked at the ground.

"What is it Aaron?"

"Can you teach me how to drive?" He pointed to my baby. Oh god.

"I don't think that is a good idea Aaron." He looked upset.

"I mean just not today maybe in a couple of days." He smiled and nodded his head.

We got on and heading back to the house, when we got there we went separate ways cause we got school in the morning.

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