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We made it to the party and seating with Emily's friends she would sneak a glance at me every once in while I would smile. God she so beautiful, she had a tight black dress on that was short with a leather jacket over it with her black knee high boots and she looked good. I seen her get up from her spot making her way to me, she took a seat right on my lap.

"You want a drink Aaron?" I never drank anything before I don't think that is a good idea.

"No I'm fine." I told her but she shuck her head.

"You are at a party Aaron at less have one beer." She said handing me a beer. I opened it and took a drink and it was horrible.

"After the first one they get better I promise. " I shuck my head and looking around at the seen in front of me. I listened to Emily talk about old days with her friends and I wished that I was part of it. I think I really like this girl but I know I shouldn't.

"Aaron do you want to dance with me?" Emily asked.

"Sure why not." She got up and pulled me to where all the rest of the people are dancing.

"I really don't know how to do this." Emily smiled.

"Just follow my moves and put your hands here." She said as she turned her back to my chest and put my hands on her hips and I blushed, I'm glad she facing the other way.

She started moving her hips and followed the best I could, she was grinding her butt against me and the thoughts came back when we were in my bedroom and thats all it took to have him start to rise. She most have felt it because she got faster and closer her body moved in a sexy way that was making me want to do things I never wanted before. She turned back to face me and look deep in her hooded eyes.

"I see you like to dance with me Aaron?" I nodded and she came closer to my ear sucking on it while we were still moving to the beat.

"I can fix him for you Aaron, my brothers not home tonight just say the word ok?" I nodded.

"Lets go get you another drink babe." She pulled me back over to the boys and handed me a beer. Mason was glaring at us. Emily was lended against her bike when Mason walked up to her and whispered in her ear while running his hands over her body god I hate him. I took I big gulp of my beer as I watched them, he pulled her closer to him and he turned her around and she started dancing with him, I can't take it I get up go over and tap her on the shoulder.

"Yes Aaron?" She said still dancing.

"I'm ready." I said and she smiled and told her friends bye and we got on her bike and went to her house.

When we got there I got off feeling alittle dizzy but not much. I started to walk to my house but she stopped me.

"Do you want to come to my house?" She asked, should I? I don't know I want to but I know its wrong.

"Sure I guess."Emily smiled and took my hand and lead us to her room, I sat on her bed.

"Aaron can you unzip me I have to get out this dress?" She walked over to me and I nodded but gulped to god she was going to undress in front of me. She turned around and I slowly pulled her zipper down god she was beautiful.

She let her dress drop to the floor and I started to get nervous, she had a red and black lacy boy shorts and bra to match god his rising again. She slowly turned and crashed her lips to mine and kissed me she licked my buttom lip asking for me to open and I did. She pulled away breathing hard.

"Aaron I want you so bad but I know you not ready, but can I finish what I started in your room?" I thought about it she made me feel so good in my room and I nodded.

She unbottoned my jeans and took my shirt off pulling my pants down she pushed me on her bed. She got on top of me legs on both sides of my waist and started grinding oh my god this girl. She was kissing and sucking my neck making her way do my chest and then to my waist, she looked up at me and smirked.

"We are going to finish this time okay Aaron." I nodded I could not find my voice to answer her.

The next thing I know she had me in her mouth and it was amazing, she sucked and licked making me moan and throw my head back. I don't know how long I can hold back she was so good. While she was still sucking she reached down and grab my balls softly which made me closer. Do I tell her? I never done this before oh god it feels so good.

"E-Emily I'm going to c.." I couldn't finish cause she picked up the paste and took me all the way and felt the back of her throat and I couldn't hold it no longer, I moaned her name and she didnt let up she swallowed every bit of it. God this girl is freaking amazing.

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