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I walked up to Aiden leaning against my bike. When I get there he smiles.

"Hey did you like the view?" Hell yea I did.

"No." I smiled.

"Get on the damn bike Aiden." He laughed and got on the back. We headed to my house. When we got there I made us a sandwiches and now we are sitting at the island talking and eating at the sametime.

"Emily you really should not let that stuff with Aaron get to you." He looked at me with a half smile.

"I'm not anymore Aiden." Cause you are going to be the one to keep my mind off of it.

"Good now what are we going to do?"

"We can watch a movie?" I asked.

"How bout we go to the movies?" That's sounds like a good idea to keep my mind off Aaron so why not?

"Yea lets go." I said and we headed out the door but when we got there guess who was in the other driveway sucking faces with the slut? Yeap you guessed it Aaron. Aiden looked at me with a frown that matched mine. Aaron looked up at the sametime Aiden smashed his lips to mine, let me tell you it was hot and it took my mind off off what just happened. We pulled away and i took a peek at Aaron and he was walking to his house and slamed the door.

"Get on the damn bike Aiden. " I said with a smile he laughed and got on. When we got to the movies we watched a horror movie. It was great Aiden held me close the entire time or held my hand. We left and went to some diner down town. We were talking and laughing until the bell chimed and in walked Aaron and that slut. Great my night just got shitty. No I'm not going to let it get to me. Aiden looked at me and smiled.

"We can leave if you want Em." Trying to make me feel better.

"No I'm fine, I'm getting over it." He looked at me like he didn't believe one word of what I said. We ate and were just sitting there chatting when Aaron walked over to us. Great what the hell does he want?

"Emily can I talk to you please?" Oh now you want to talk?

"Yea talk." I said as I looked up at Aiden he frowned.

"Can we talk in private? " okay I guess I can hear him out.

"Yea I guess." I looked at Aiden and shook his head telling me he will be fine. I got up and walked out the diner.

"What is it Aaron?" He looked down at his feet I guess nervous.

"Listen Emily you have been avoiding me and I want to know why?" Is he that damn blind.

"You really can't figure it out Aaron?" He looked confused.

"No what is it?" God his so obvious.

"Why don't you go back to you little girlfriend Aaron?" He looked stunned.

"She's not my girlfriend. " he yelled.

"Okay whatever you say Lover Boy." I was about to walk away when he grabbed my arm.

"I want to be with you Emily not her she's my past." Did he really just.... oh my god.

"You sure about that Aaron? I'm bad for you and might get you into trouble, your best bet is her Aaron. " he looked down and then back up to me.

"I want you no matter how bad you are or how much trouble I get in, I want you." He leaned and kissed me with everything he had. What to do?

"Your sure about this Aaron I'm very sexual girl and I don't do good in anybody's eyes you might want to stand clear of that."

"I know how your reputation is and I don't care, as for sexual I like what we did together maybe we can do more if you show me how?" Is it bad to say he just made me fucking wet.

"Okay Aaron eat with your slut and then when you finish go home and climb out your window to mine ok?" He smiled and leaned down and kissed me. I headed back in the diner god I hate to do this.

"You ready Aiden?" He looked up and seen my frown and nodded. We got on the bike and went back to the school where his car was.

"You don't have to tell me I know." I looked up at him with a frown.

"How? "

"He was stupid if he pick her over you, but remember this Emily I will always care for you so when he fucks up come back to me okay?" I nodded and he gets off the bike and kisses my cheek and say goodnight before we go our separate ways.

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