Chapter. 28

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As soon as Mason pulled up to the gym I jumped out and headed inside,  I went to get changed to go punch the bag some. When I came back out Mason was stand in the ring with boxing gloves on.

"You need to relieve some stress come on." I nodded and got my gloves, getting in the ring with Mason.

"You ready to get your ass wiped Cox's? " Mason smirked.

"No you about to get your ass wiped Mason." I went in for a right hook and Mason caught it, damn him. Mason tried to kick me but I blocked him, then he tried to throw a left hook but I ducked.

"You still got Em." I smirked and through a left hook then a right my right one got him and he stumbled. He did the same to me and his left hook got me, once I straighten myself back up all I thought about was Kelly and Aaron I started throw punch and kicks left and right and I didn't stop either. Mason finally had a enough and tackled me on the ring floor.

"Damn girl easy." He said while seating on my waist.

"I'm sorry I just got angry. "He smiled.

"It's okay you feel better now?" I smiled back.

"Yea thanks can you take me home now? " I asked looking at the clock, shit its already 9:30.

"Yea go get changed." He said and I got up to go get changed. When I came out he was already dressed waiting for me at the door. Once we pulled in my driveway I seen Aiden's car good he came to talk hopefully he will let me explain.

"See you late Em." I smiled.

"Thanks Mason for helping me." He nodded and I made my way to the door, I know Aiden got in. Walking up to my room he was seating on my bed with his head in his hands.

"Aiden?" He looked up with red eye's.

"Why?" His voice cracked.

"Just let me explain. " I went and took a seat on the bed next to him.

"Okay explain."

"I was asleep and I got woke up with someone down there I thought it was you I left my eye's closed moaning your name and when I was finished I opened them to see Aaron. I slapped him and told him to leave." Aiden looked at me for a few minutes.

"Is that it you haven't been seeing him this whole time? " okay someone lied to him.

"No babe you are it for me and I do love you." I said taking his hand. He squeezed my hand back and reached up to kiss me.

"I'm sorry I didnt let you explain." I laid him back on my bed.

"It's okay I'm sorry it happened, now can I show you how much I love you?" He smirked and nodded. I undo his jean and pull them down to his ankles along with his boxers, grabbing his dick in my hand and putting it in my mouth licking it up and down.

"Fuck Em." He moaned. I licked his tip and down to the base and back up. Sucking hard and slow driving him crazy.

"Em you need to stop I'm going to cum." I sucked and licked one more time before grabbing his balls and pulled him out my mouth for him to cum.

"Damn baby I love you." Aiden said after he got his breathing under control. I kissed him passionately.

"I love you to Aiden, always." He smiled and we just laid with each other until we fell asleep, it was nice being in his arms again.

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