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After I dropped Emily off and seen that Aiden was there I went back to my house and got drunk and high off my ass. Why does she want that asshole? We use to be great together,  we had some wild times that girl sure knew what she was doing when it came to a guy. I fell and I fell deep, my mind will not stop thinking about her and now she don't want nothing to do with me what the fuck? I know one thing I'm going to try my damnest to get her back if it's the last thing I do.


I wake up to Aiden's gorgeous face I have no clue what this boy did to me but I'm felling and felling hard. I reach up and ran my hands in his hair and straddle his waist but he still asleep, damn this boy is a heavy sleeper. I start to kiss up and down his neck to see if he would wake up and I got nothing. Okay this has definitely got to wake him up, I start to grind my hips I feel his not so little Aiden come to life, I keep grinding until I see a smirk form on his lips and I stop.

"Please don't stop I could get use to waking up like this." He open his eye's with his hands on my hips.

"Yea yea get up." He shakes his head no.

"Keep doing it Em." Tightening his grip on my hips, I start to move my hips again looking down at him, he throws his head back and groans.

"We have to get ready for school Aiden." I say still grinding. He moves his hand to squeeze my ass.

"We can be late baby please?" This is why I love this boy. Still grinding on him he reaches up and takes my shirt off throwing to the floor, he comes up and licks and sucks my boobs and it's my turn to moan.

"See this beats school babe." I laugh and pull his shirt off tracing his well defined body. He flips us over and takes off mine and his pjs until we are bare against each other, he let's my nipple go with a loud pop sound and plunges into me. In and out he thrusting getting my wet, he reaches down to my nub making me moan his name, I flip us over so now I'm on top riding him.

"Damnit babe." He groaned, I grinded harder and faster the closer I come, I pull up his dick almost to the head and slam back down, doing this over and over all you hear is slapping skin and it was pure ecstasy as I rode him until we back cum at the sametime.

"Fuck that was." I smiled looking up at him kissing his lips before getting up going to get dressed. I came out about ten minutes later and his already dressed. I walk over to him standing in between his legs bending to get me a kiss.

"That was definitely worth being late for but we are graduating soon so we have to go to school now." He nodded and got grabbing our bags making our way to his car to go to hell as I call it. When we get there its almost lunch time. I kept thinking about prom I wander if he would want to go? Will he ask me? I don't really usually go to school dances but it's prom who doesn't want to go? Right , I hope he asks soon so I can go buy a bad ass sexy dress.

Sorry it's short but I've had total writer's block and don't know where to take it, so if you want to help me out comment please.

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