Chapter. 24

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When we got to club Mist it was packed Aiden took me to the bar to find his friend to get us drinks. Once we had our drinks we sat at the bar watching everybody dance and I continue to drink. I was feeling buzzed when my song came on.

"Would you like to dance?" Aiden said smiling at me.

"Yea let's go." I said grabbing his hand taking him to the middle of the dance floor. Turning my back to him I started grinding on his front, swinging my hips side to side and circles I felt his friend come to life. He bent his head down to my ear and whispered.

"See what you do to me?" I nodded not being able to speak cause the electric bolts running all over my body. I turned around so our fronts were touching grinding on him, he grabbed my hips and moved with me. He is so hot god why couldn't I see this before. Being with him made me stop thinking about Aaron. I'm glad cause I need a night with no drama. We danced the night away until he spoke with a husky voice in my ear again.

"I think we need to stop Em, before I take you to one of these bathrooms and have my way with you." I reached up to his ear nibbling on it.

"Then I think we should go ahead and leave so you can have your way with me." He looked shocked but I'm not holding back no more his all mine.

"Let's go then." He grabbed my hand and dragged my out the club to head home. Yhe whole way to my house he rubbed up and down my leg driving me fucking crazy. Once we reached my driveway I jumped out and unlocked the house I ran up the stairs laughing.

"You gotta get catch me first." I took off. He was right on my heels as I ran through my bedroom door he pushed me up against the door. He started kissing my neck making his way to my lips, kissing me deeply turning me on even more. I reached for his button undoing his pants bout to pull the off but he stopped me. Okay is this payback from the time I made him stop?

"Em I want to show how much I love you, let me make you to you?" Shit, no one has ever made love to me, we just fuck. Not even Aaron. I nod my head at him and he smiles taking my hand walking me over to the bed turning me around to unzip my dress slowly, he took his fingers in my straps and guide it down my body. I never had anyone do this to me. He turned me around to face him.

"I want to see you as I undress you." He said as he reached for my thong pulling it down my long legs he kissed up my legs all the way to my breast reaching around to unclip it letting fall to the floor. He picked me up and laid me on my bed.

"Where's the condoms? "

"Bedside table." He grabbed one and undressed himself opening the pack I leaned up on the bed.

"I want to do it." Aiden looked at me with surprise but handed the condom to me, I took it and gliding it on his big friend I heard him grasp.

"Lay down Em." I did what he said and laid flat on my back. He got on top of me and lined up with my center.

"You sure?" I nodded and he pushed in me so slow it's driving me crazy. Kissing everything his lips can come in contact with while thrusting in and out of me very slow, I can feel every inch of him and it feels amazing. I don't know how much more I can take, all I want to do is turn us over and my ride the hell out of him.

"Aiden your driving me fucking crazy." He smiled down at me and pushed futher in me, I felt it hit the back of me he is so much bigger than Aaron and Mason.

"Aiden faster." I moaned.

"No it feels to good I want to make it last." Fuck this I flipped us over.

"What are you doing Em?" He groaned when I moved my hips.

"I'm bout to give you the ride of your life and I don't mean on my motorcycle. " he grabbed my hips while I was grinding on him fast his grip tightening I know he was close and I was not to far behind.

"Fuck Emily." God that sounded so good coming from those sexy lips. I reach up while still riding him kissing up his neck then to his lips kissing him with everything I had we came together.

"Fuck Em I'm bout to cum." Soon as he said that so did I.

"Fuck Aiden." I clasped on his chest. After we cought our breath I got off of him, he went to the bathroom when he came out butt ass naked and damn did he look good.

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