1-Dad's Mission

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(Deku is four years old rn)

I was startled out of bed when I heard glass break down the hall. When I sat up I saw a light under my door and heard my parents voices.

"Please! You can't go Hisashi!" Momma sounded like she was crying.

"I have to! This job will get us enough money to get the hell outta this shithole!"

"You know how dangerous this job is! They havenct ever gotten a lead on where this villain is located until now! He's good!"

I realized that they were talking about dad traveling to do his hero work. He usually goes on business trips and I get to watch him on tv, I don't know why momma's so against it this time.

"That's why they're getting every hero they can get to go to America! They're even bringing All Might, I have to take this opportunity!"

Dad's gonna be able to work with All Might!?

"I don't care about the money! I just want you to be safe!"

"Inko! I'm trying to do this for Izuku! We have to get out of the shitty ass house and give him a better childhood!"

"He has friends here! We don't have to move for him to have a good life! Please, you know this villain is too dangerous!"

Please don't fight over me..

"I already said All Might will be there! He's going to be there to fight the villain, we're just going to fight his acomplasis'! I'll be fine!"

"Hisashi if you do this, don't expect me to be here when you get back. I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt.."

Dad sighed. "I'm gonna go and I'm coming back so don't worry."

They went quiet and I assumed they were done argueing and had gone to bed. Momma's shouldn't be too worried, All Might will be able to protect him if he's in trouble.

I layed my head down, trying not to think about the conversation I overheard.


I woke up when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I rolled over and squinted as my eyes ajusted to the bright light.

"Hey kiddo," dad smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I'm going on business trip for a couple of days."

I sat up excitedly, smiling ear to ear. "You're gonna fight bad guys?!"

He chuckled, nodding. "Yeah,.. and save lots of people too."

I leaned forward and wrapped my arms over his shoulders. "Dad, when I grow up I wanna be a hero, just like you!"

"Do ya now?"

I pulled away, my hands resting on his shoulder. I held a determined grin. "Of course! I want to be just be just like you!''

"I'm gonna miss you buddy, I'll call you every night before I can see you again, yea?"

I nodded happily.

"Alright sweety, we have to get dad to the airport.." I turned around and saw momma leaning on the doorway with a soft smile.

"Can I go?!"

She nodded. "Let's get to the car, sweety.." She turned around and headed down the hall as dad picked me up.

We all went out and dad pulled my seatbelt over my shoulder before going to the passenger seat.

The drive was quiet, the radio playing quietly as we glided down the road. I let the wind blow through my hair as I watched the trees pass by on the way there.

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