9-Relatable/New Friends

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(If you're not going to question how Koda, Hagakure or Mineta got into 1-A, don't question how deku gets in in this book)

I paced my room, waiting. My stomach churned as my thoughts were racing. UA said that the results would be sent back today and my mind hasn't stopped racing since two this morning.

I don't know if I passed the entrance exam, the other students in my section seemed so much more powerful than I. I don't even know if they would let someone with a quirk like mine into the hero course. I make people see their greatest fears, what if they think I can't become a hero?

"You're muttering again," Ayuka sighed, sitting on my bed.

I froze and smiled softly at her. ''Sorry, I'm just really anxious.."

"I know, Izuku. I don't think you need to worry though."

I sat down on the bed, "You didn't see the other students there, Yuki." I laughed softly.

"True. Buuuttt... I do know you're really strong. And you can fight your way to the top, you'll be the number 1 hero even if you don't go to UA." She smiled, trying to cheer me up.

"Heh, yeah.."

"Izuku!!!" Miss Kana called from downstairs.

Ayuka and I jumped up and ran down the stairs. Miss Kana's smile was bright as she held an envelope with UA's emblem on the front. "Open it!" She exclaimed, handing the package to me as I stood in front of her.

My heart pounded as I tore the flap open and pulled out a folded sheet of paper. I read over it quickly, my eyes darting through the lines. Miss Kana and Ayuka were eagerly awaiting my reaction. Then I saw it.

You have been accepted into UA's hero course.

"I'm in!" I smiled. They jumped and wrapped their arms around me, laughing happily.

"I knew you could do it, Izuku.." Miss Kana said. I smiled softly.

"Yay! Good job, Izuku!" Ayuka jumped up and down, cheering.

I felt tears in the corners of my eyes as I smiled, I almost can't believe I got in. Miss Kana hugged me as they congratulated me with wide smiles.


I took a deep breath looking up at the building as I stood just outside the gates. The school was intimidating and I wondered if I was worthy of going to such a nice place, even though I did well on the entrance exam.

I went into the school and walked the long hallways, looking for the classroom labeled 1-A.

It was weird when people looked at me and smiled, waving happily. I got so used to everyone avoiding my eyes, I forgot people that didn't know me would be so open to look my way.

I checked the time on my phone after a few minutes of wandering around and trying to understand where I was on the map. The bell rang and my anxiety levels went up, I was going to be late on the first day, I should have planned this out better.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around to see someone with red and white hair, I instantly began to wonder about his quirk when I saw his face, staring into his heterocheomatic eyes. I wasn't listening to what he said as my eyes trailed over the red scar covering the left side of his face.

"Hello.. Are you listening?" He waved his hand in front of my face.

"Oh! Uh, sorry, I was spacing out. What did you say?" I stuttered shyly.

He huffed in amusement and smiled softly. "I was asking if you needed help finding your class, you look lost." He said.

"Oh, yeah.. Do you know where 1-A is..?"

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