7-No one cares

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I sat up and rubbed my eyes. For the first time in a while I woke up without being afraid. Without my heart pounding.

I looked around and saw that Ayuka was standing in the bathroom attached to her room. She stood on the short stool in front of the sink and the water was running.

I ran my hand through my hair as my eyes ajusted to the light.

"Oh, you're awake." She smiled as she pulled her sleeves down and turned around. "I thought you would sleep longer than just a few hours.."

I glanced up at the clock and saw that it was just past seven. "Sorry, Ayuka.." I mumbled my apology.

She shook her head and hopped on the bed next to me. "Did you sleep well?"

I nodded. "Thank you.." Her smile widened, bring a small smile to my face as well. "But.. that really has to be the last time."

She huffed and rolled her eyes. "I can do what I want, Izuku."

"No, it will only make you weaker. I can't let you. I can... I could try to sleep though.. If that will make you feel better."

"Ok,.. but if you wake up screaming in the middle of the night I'll help you."

"Not anymore, Yuki," I shook my head and stood up. "Lets go see if dinner's almost ready." I quickly changed the subject; we can't argue about this anymore.

Then we headed down stairs, Ayuka jumping down with two feet.

"Dad, are we going to eat soon?" I asked as we turned around the corner to the dining room. Miss Kana and he were still sharing longing looks with googly eyes and soft giggles.

"Yea," he scoffed, taking a sip of wine and glancing over to me with cold eyes.

"The chef said the food will be out in just a few minutes." Miss Kana looked over, her smile warm, contrasting dad's scowl.

"Hey, Ayuka." She looked down at her daughter and held out her arms. "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" She asked as she picked Ayuka from the floor and set her on her lap.

"I'm good, a little hungry though," she smiled.

I walked around the table and took my seat. After minutes of talking with Miss Kana and a few grunts from dad, the kitchen crew came out with carts full of food.

I sat quietly and ate my food as the three of them talked.

Ayuka told dad about something funny the doctor had said while they were at the hospital. Miss Kana asked if he wanted to do anything for their anniversary next month. I just tuned out their conversation and stayed quiet until I heard my name.

"Are you still going to take the test for UA, Izuku?" Miss Kana asked, and I looked up from my plate.

I nodded, "yea, I think it will be more difficult, but my quirk is strong. I'm sure I could get in."

"That's great, don't ever let others tell you that you can't. I know you can be a great hero."

"It would be nice," dad said, eyes on his food. "having two hero's in the house. You get big enough, maybe I could retire early." He chuckled to himself before putting more food in his mouth.

"I'm not doing it for the money." I glared across the table.

"Whatever kid, think of it as a bonus then."

I tightened my fist under the table. "They could keep their money for all I care, I just want to do something more exciting for a change."

"Is that why I got a call from the store downtown. You can't keep running around doing shit like that just because you're bored."

I slouched in my chair. "Whatever," I muttered.

"What are you talking about, dear?" Miss Kana's eyes bounced between me and dad.

"Izuku here has been stealing and scaring people to get away with it."

She gasped, "Izuku, why would you do that?"

"Does it matter? I didn't get caught and I'm sure dad played the shopkeeper anyway.." I looked at Kana, her expression held dissapointment no matter how you looked at it. "Sorry," I muttered begrudgingly.

"Izuku, just tell me why?" She asked gently. She was never the type of person to get mad through all the years I knew her, not even over something like this.

"I'd like to know as well, boy. That money is coming out of my pocket." Dad glared and rested his head on his hands after locking his fingers.

"Mom, is Izuku in trouble?" Ayuka asked after sitting quietly for a while.

They ignored her, "Just tell me why, maybe we can fix it.."

I scoffed. "It's just something to do. It's fun running from that old shopkeeper. Besides I stole beer for you." I nodded towards dad.

"Izuku, you know you could get in a lot of trouble doing that, do you like getting in trouble?"

"Maybe, so what if I do?" I mumbled, almost to myself.

"Alright, listen here, I'm not letting my son go to jail over something dumb like this." Dad pointed his finger and glared.

"Whatever." I pushed my chair back and stood up. "I'm tired of all of this. Nothing ever changes around here, Ayuka goes to the hospital, you get drunk and I'm left alone to deal with everyone being afraid of me.--" I gestured around the table "--No-one believes in me, not really, and I only get to have any fun when I'm running from people who hate me."

I turned around and stomped out of the room before they could counter my arguement. I grabbed my jacket and bag that was still by the front door and went upstairs.

When I got to my room, I threw my bag across the floor and dropped my hoodie. "It's fucking stupid," I cursed as I kicked the corned of my bed, pushing it forward.

I sat down on my now crooked bed and put my head in my hands.

I know they don't care about me and that conversation acomplished nothing. It was all just a waste of time and breath. It's so damn frustrating any time dad tried to act like an actual father, he won't do anything. I'm not grounded, he won't take my phone and he won't mention it again. That was the end of it. He'll probably just drink then forget about it.

I looked up when my eyes caught a glimps of white. I saw the small white card that guy gave me earlier next to my jacket.

I stood up and grabbed the card before walking over to my desk. I opened up my hero journal and put the card between two pages before starting to sketch the man from memory.

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