37-Endeavor's a Bitch

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Over the next few weeks nothing really happened. I'm a bit nervous that the league is starting to think I'm not really on their side. I am though.

However I was also getting closer to them all. I've realized that Toga won't really stop messing with me; I didn't really care, though she does make me uncomfortable at times, but Shigaraki usually steps in when that happens. I've listened to Dabi ranting about his family when there wasn't anyone else at the bar, he was never very specific but I tried to help him calm down whenever he did want to talk. Even Shigaraki has told me things I never expected, after the thing with Nana Shimura, he talked about how his family died and I saw a tear fall before he quickly wiped it away.

And at school, my friends and I have reconnected. After I accidentally said 'Shouto' instead of 'Todoroki' the other day, we're all on a first name basis now. Also, Bakugou hasn't said a word to me since the day at the park with Shouto.


"You guys wanna hang out again this weekend?," I asked at lunch as it was nearing the end of the week.

"I've actually gotta go out of town with family," Hitoshi said.

"Sorry Izuku, my father would probably kill me if I skipped another training session with him. Otherwise I'd rather hang out with you guys."

I huffed and planted my chin in my palm. "Ya know, I really hate your dad sometimes.." I grumbled.

Shouto chuckled, "everone does." As his phone buzzed, he pulled out the device. "Ugh, speak of the devil.."

I layed my head on the table and watched as he read the message. "..guess I'm leaving early today, let me know what happens in class," he sighed and put his phone back into his pocket.

"Seriously?," I tilted my head.

"He said we've gotta talk about something important. Apparently All Might said something to him," he shrugged.

"What kind of thing?," Hitoshi asked.

I glared at the mention of All Might. I already don't like where this is going.

"He's not being specific so I don't know yet." As he said that, the intercom came on and called him to the office. "Gotta go then," he got up and waved.

"I really hate Endeavor," I grumbled again.

"Yeah,.. but what can ya do," Hitoshi said.

We'll see, I thought.


When I got to the bar I threw my bag in the corner and took off my jacket angrily; I climbed into the barstool with a scowl.

"Ooh! Izuku, why so angry? You're really hot right now!"

"Shut the fuck up, Toga. Midoriya, what's wrong," Shigaraki said with his crusty ass voice.

"I wanna kill Endeavor."

A silence poured into the room as I glared at the blank wall.


"Well I guess.. you could..." Shigaraki mumbled

"Good. 'Cause he's a fuckin bitch and Shouto shouldn't have to deal with his bullshit. And you weren't gonna stop me anyway, I just need to figure out how to do it," I spat, crossing my arms.

Toga jumped in, grinning widely. "AH! My Izu's gonna commit another murder, it's so much fun isn't it?! Oh, and you should definately talk to Dabi, he'd want in on this!"

I rolled my eyes. "It'll be fun to kill him at least. And sure, I'll talk t-" just as I was saying that, Dabi walked in.

"Speak of the devil," Shigaraki mumbled.

"The fuck.. Why do people keep sayin' that today?," I muttered under my breath.

"What's happening now?," Dabi asked, confused as he shut the door.

"Izuku's gonna kill Endeavor!"

"What?!," he turned to me, I couldn't read his expression. "Endeavor? Are you serious?"

"Yes. He's fucking abusive and I think that he and All Might are suspicious of me, so.."

He walked over to me, anger lit in his cobalt eyes, and he pushed his hand against my throat and my back into the counter. Toga pulled out her knife but Shigaraki stopped her.

He wasn't choking me but it still hurt. "Don't think for a second that I won't be there to watch him die," he hissed, quiet enough where only I coukd hear. "I don't care who ends him as long as I. am. there. Got it?"

"Got it," I nodded and he let go of me.

"What was that about?," Toga asked, lowering her knife.

"Nothing," Dabi said, not removing his eyes from me.

"What the fuck, Dabi?" Toga shouted but we ignored her.

"I'm doing it tonight," I told him.

"Alright." He turned dramatically and went into his own room, slamming the door shut.

(A few things. 1.I reread shit when I get comments and realize that I kinda just forgot Deku had butler's/servants. So we're just gonna say they never existed. 2.There's random rooms at the bar that aren't in canon lol😂 they all just live there idk. 3. ...Dabi??? Ok byeee)

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