35-Rich Beans Flexin Cash

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"Hey, I'm back," I said as I stepped into the bar and dropped my bag by the door.

"What took you so long?" Shigaraki mumbled.

"I was talking with Todoroki and Shinsou."

"Ugh, I don't like those two. You talk about 'em too much," Toga whined frustratedly.

"Shut up Toga. I've gotta stay friends with them so no-one suspects me. Idiot."

"Alight, whatever," hissed Shigaraki. "Tell us any information you have."

I sat down next to him at the bar. "I don't think there's anything we can do for now. We don't have enough numbers for an attack, besides out training will be on school grounds, you'd be shot down immediately."

Shigaraki thought with a hand on his chin. "Not enough numbers huh.." he mumbled to himself. "The security would be a problem.." He turned back to me promply, "We'll need to plan to attack when the class--and All Might--move further from the main building of UA. I'll find a way to grow our numbers.."

I nodded, "got it."

"Are you guys done? Izu, can we hang out now?!"

I turned to Toga, "No. I've got better things to do."


I knocked on the door to Shinsou's place and his mother quickly answered the door. "Oh, hey ms.Shonsou, uh.."

"Midoriya, right? It's nice to see you again!," she pulled me forward and wrapped her arms around me, giggling. 

I looked down, a parted frown an and furrowed brows on my face. She pulled away quickly but as she did, I rushed to hug her again.

She gasped, "oh, you poor child." She hugged me tighter this time and I closed my eyes, holding my arms around her as well. "The boys told me what happened, and that you might not come. I'm so sorry honey.."

Then I pulled away and wiped my face before turning back to see her sad expression. "Are they.. in Shinsou's room..?," I asked shakily.

She nodded and shut the door as I started heading that way.

I knocked on the door lightly before opening it. "Hey guys, can I come in," I said. They stared for a second before nodding with big smiles. I smiled too, releived in a way, and stepped in and shut the door.

"So how'd your mystery meeting go?," Shinsou joked.

"Gonna murder somebody?" Todoroki joined on the joke.

"Oh yeah, definately," I laughed aloud and sat cross-legged on the floor with them. "You'd be surprised," I mumbled under my breath.

"Heh, we'll I was just listening to Shinsou rant about how unfair the hero course exam are for people with quirks like his," Todoroki brushed over my last comment.

"It's just annoying!," Shinsou exclaimed. "How would I defeat robots?! How did you even do it?"

"I don't know, I was able to get a few people out of danger and earned rescue points. And I realized after a bit that the robots were remote controlled and I was able to scare the drivers into crashing the robots," I shrugged.

He sighed, "Yeah, when I thought about rescue points as a possibility it was too late."

Todoroki sighed, "I didn't even know what they had you guys do until today, thats kind of ridiculous. I got in because of my father."

"Wow, brag much?" Shinsou chuckled and I laughed.

"No!," he instantly started to defend himself. "I was just saying-"

"Nah, nah, we get it, privelaged child!" I shouted smiling.

"You're privelaged too!"

I scoffed, "my dad still wanted me to prove my ability, so I took the exams! So bluh," I stuck my tongue out, teasing.

He huffed and leaned against the bed, "whatever, i've proved myself enough so far. They would've kicked me out otherwise."

Shinsou chuckled, "alright, alright rich beans. Break it up. Stop flexin' that cash."

All of us burst into laughter and Todoroki litterally fell on his side. "Oh my god, Shinsou," I said, still laughing. I forgot how much fun it was to hang out with them.

While we were still laughing, Shinsou's mother walked in and smiled as she saw us all having a good time. "Hey boys, I was about to start making dinner, would the two of you like to stay," she asked when our laughter quieted enough for her to speak.

I looked at Todoroki and he nodded then I turned back to her. "Yeah, that'd be nice Mrs."

"Alright, I'll be back in a little while then," she smiled and left with the door closed.

(Sorry this is short, I was gonna write the dinner but it was nothing important so idk.)

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