46-Chosen Path

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It's about five a.m. when the bus lets me off and I'm at my destination.
She's probably still asleep, I think as I check the time.

The sun is just barely rising and I'm greatful that it feels warmer than it has in a while. I walk down the street with my hood up to pass the time and wait for a reasonable time.

After a while, I feel a bit hungry and start looking for a shop to get some food, I have about twenty dollars in my back pocket.

I spot a donut shop five minutes later and cross the barren street to head in. They must have only just opened because it's empty save for a tired-looking casheir behind the counter.

A bell rings as I push the door open and it falls closed behind me, I pull the hood from my head. The young cashier girl looks over to me and puts up a fake smile. "Good morning. How can I help you today?"

I walk over to the register where she stands and look up at the menu. "Um, I'll have a raspberry jelly, a plain glazed donut.. and an Iced coffee."

"Alright," she says happily and pushed a few buttons on the screen in front of her. "That'll be thirteen seventy-five."

(I dont buy things Idk if that's a reasonable price)

I hand her my twenty dollar bill and she counts out the change for me.

I stand there for a few minutes as she gathers what I ordered. Someone else walks into the shop, indicated by the doorbell, but I don't care to look.

"I'll be with you in a second detective!," the girl calls out. This catches my attention and I turn my head to see the tall man.

I pull my hood up again, cautious. "Detective?," I question under my breath.

He hears and smiles at me. "Yeah, name's Sugaochi, I'm a regular here."

"Got it," I mumble and turn my head away so he can't see my face as well.

"You cold, kid? It is a bit chilly in here.."


"Your hood," he says.

"Oh, uh, yeah."

"Here you go, sir." The girl puts a paper bag on the counter with a white foam cup.

"Thanks," I grab the food and drink and turn to the door. Gotta get out of here, if he's seen some sort of identification for me, I'm screwed.

As I step past the man, he stops me, making me turn with a hand on my shoulder and we make eye contact. "Can you tell me your name kid, not to make you worry, but you look like a suspect in my current investigation."

Shit. I'm frozen, he doesn't look sure, must've only glanced at a photo of me. My eyes bounce between his dark eyes. "I'm.. Shimura. Tenko Shimura." Please say that worked, I think as I try to hide my face more.

He stares for a minute longer and I try to keep a straight face. "Alright, my mistake, kid.." He lets go and turns to the cashier, I leave.

"Holy shit that was close," I mumble when I get outside. I walk fast and don't turn back, I only stop when I'm a few blocks away and sit at a table outside a small decor shop.

Not gonna tell Shigaraki abot that, he'd rub it in my face. I take my breakfast from the bag and begin to eat alone.


8:00. I walk down the path and feel a bit nervous as I rais my hand to knock on the door.

When the door opened, I was greeted by a vaguely familiar smile.

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