32-A Mess

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On the last day of my suspension, I woke up with a few messages on my phone. (I had another night of sleeping peacefully, still unsure why though.)

Dad: I don't know where you've been, but Ayuka's funeral will be today at 3:00

Icey.Hot: Are you doing anything today, Shinsou and I think we should talk after school

I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair as I threw my legs over the edge of the bed. Looking at the time, it was already 11:45.

I don't have anything to say to you, I started typing before I remembered what Shigaraki had said.

Green_boi: I'm going to Ayuka's funeral. Leave me alone

I began to get my things together; I grabbed my jacket and knotted my shoes before heading out the door.

Just walking down the side of the street my eyes got teary thinking about my baby sister. I could still clearly picture her smile in my mind, I could still hear her laugh and remember how soft her hair was. She was so kind and gentle, especially towards me when I didn't deserve it.

I wanted to protect her with every fiber of my being but I was too late and too weak, stupid, incompetent. She was just a little girl with cancer, she didn't deserve any of what happened to her.

The sky became dark with clouds, my head hanged low, my shoes dragged across the concrete. The air's humid, cold rain rain began to drip onto my skin, making it wet.

I walked to my house as the air became cooler and the clouds drizzled. The ground became darked as the rain fell.

Once I got to the doorstep, rain spotting my shoulders, I hesitated opening the door. I told myself I was just going to grab a blazer to look more presentable but I didn't want to be there at all.

As I finally pushed the door open, the smell of alcohol and cigarettes were thick in the atmosphere. My father wasn't here but the lights and television was still on.

Looking around, everything reminded me of either Kana or Ayuka. Their shoes still by the door, jackets on the hooks lining the wall, the staircase leading up to Ayuka's room.

I rolled my fingers into a fist and duh my nails into my palm as I looked away and treaded up the stairs and into my room. The house felt so much more empty than usual, like something from a horror movie there wasn't a sound to be heard. Not even the rain outside was loud enough to pass the walls. It was dim and still, silent.

Walking into my closet and skimming through to the back, I found a black suit that would be acceptable and began to change.

I lookeat myself in the mirror. Most people would say they looked great wearing a nice suit but I just looked the same, dark circles under my eyes, my dark shaggy hair and slightly chapped lips.

Glancing over to my desk I saw a photo of Ayuka and I at an amusment park, it was from a long time ago, before she was diagnosed with cancer. Now I hate the photo, it only serves as a reminder that she's gone. I turned the frame, flipping it to be face-down then left.

As I shut the door, I saw two figures standing outsude the fence several yards away. Squinting my eyes a bit I realized who it was; I rolled my eyes as I walked down the stone path with my hands in my pockets.

I opened the gate and stepped outside of it, now standing in front of the two, an agitated expression on my face.

"Um.. Hey,. Midoriya." Shinsou waved awkwardly.

I just stared at him and Shinsou. "I told you two to leave me alone."

"Yeah, well we really need to talk to you, to apologize," Todoroki said.

"Do it later," I huffed, walking past the two of them.

"Midoriya wait," Shinsou said as the two of them started walking with me. "Are you going to her funeral.. now?"


They glanced at each othe before Todoroki grabbed my shoulder and held me back. "Can you at least listen to us, five minutes. Please."

I looked at my phone for the time. "It's two thirty, talk fast. I gotta walk halfway across town."

"Midoriya, I'm sorry I used my quirk on you like that, I just didn't want to see youget hurt," Shinsou said, they both had pittying expressions.

"Neither of us did, and we're really sorry about what happened to your family because of it," Todoroki added.

I sighed and crossed my arms as my eyes fell to the ground. "It's fine," I lied. "I know you were only trying to help and I lashed out at you guys 'cause I was so angry," I'm still angry with the two of them but continuing to attend school would be easier if we 'made up'.

I looked back up to them, waiting for a response.

"So you're not still upset..?" Shinsou pressed, I meerly shook my head.

"So we're all good, then?"

"Yeah, I'm still coping but I'm not mad at you two anymore," I said reassuringly. Yeah, right.

"Then, I guess we'll see you at school tommorow.."

I nodded then turned around, heading once again toward the funeral home downtown.


I stayed toward the back of the room as my father went up and said a few words. Family I haven't seen in years had come down, but most everybody else here was on Kana's side of the family.

My eyes watered for hours as it began to sink in for the billionth time that they're really gone. I'll never share another moment with Ayuka. We can't spend our nights up late talking about anything and everything. It was all over.

There's nothing left but memories and that thought was heartbreaking.

Trails of tears ran down my face and my chest felt tight. This was it, I realized, I've got nothing left but sadness and anger.

(Hah, so I haven't updated in a bit. The chapter is a mess, hence the title. It was just really awkward to write for some reason, hope you liked it regardless)

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