11-Midnight Snacks

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Night is one of the worst times in existence. Music played in my ears as I doodle on my arm with a black pen. I had a cup of coffee set out on my bedside table as I sat on the floor.

I swear I was in my bed just an hour ago but I did so much tossing and turning to find a comfortable position, I ended up down here.

My eyes felt heavy as they always did in the darkness of the late hours of night. I yawned several times and continued sipping my coffee as I did random activities to keep myself from sleeping. I found my head bobbing many times and decided that the cafine just wasn't enough right now and took some pills from my nightstand before quickly swallowing two.

I tapped my foot as I mouthed the words of my music.

I took another sip of coffee and stood up to walk around my room aimlessly. I looked out the window at the street and trees below that were seperated from the yard by a tall black gate.

I stretched my arms over my head as red and blue lights flashed in the didtance. The white lamp in the streetlight flickered as I turned back to my room.

I stepped over to my desk and kneeled down to the bottom drawer and pulled out my silver blade. I sat on the tabletop and pulled a knee to my chest. The knife danced between my fingers and the moonlight bounced off of its reflective surface. I tossed it in the air, spinning it like the blade of a helicopter and caught it between my fingers perfectly. I did this several times, watching the shiny metal bounce like an acrobat between my fingers and fly in the air. The blade didn't even nic my hands once, I've learned how to throw and catch it properly, the first times though, I had bandaids wrapped around nearly every finger.

I smiled as an idea came to my head.

I shut off my music and pulled a jacket from my closet before I rushed out the door and downstairs. The house was silent, all too empty for the size of the building.

I left the house and walked down the road, feeling the brisk air against my skin. I tucked the blade away as I stepped slowly.

I went down to the convenience store near my junior high and found it already closed. I placed the end of the knife in the key hole and picked the lock.

It took a minute, but once I was in, I casually walked the aisles. I helped myself to several chocolate bars and a bag of Reeses, shoving them in my hoodie pocket. I also grabbed an ice cream sandwich from the cooler in the back and unwrapped it as I was heading out.

Then I went down to the old factory/warehouse. I stayed there for nearly two hours, walking around, doing pull ups and listening to my music at full volume. It was nearly three am when I realized that I should go home.


At lunch the next day, I offered some of the stolen candy to Shinsou and Todoroki. They didn't question it--why the hell would they--and kindly took some, thanking me.

We all talked for a while about one of the tests that everyone had to take coming up. I wasn't too worried about it because school always came easily to me if I wasn't too tired. Todoroki seemed to agree that it would be easy but Shinsou admitted he needed to work on a few of the subjects. Todoroki offered to help him out and our conversation flowed easily from there.

I started to tune out their conversation after not speaking for a few moments. I ate my food while they talked.

Only a few minutes later, Shinsou had nudged my side with his elbow. "Did you see the news too, Midoriya?" He said.

"The news about what?"

"The store a little ways down the road was robbed mysteriously." Todoroki told me while Shinsou pulled out his phone.

"Here," Shinsou held the screen with a youtube video up.

It was a crappy black-and-white security camera from the store last night. It showed me,.. I knew it was me, but there was a dark smoke surrounding my body and half of my face. All that was visible was my messy hair, dark eyes and hands.

"That's about all there is to the video," he pulled his phone away and put it in his pocket after about a minute. "He just walked around for a minute and grabbed a few things. The media doesn't think he's a villain, just sombody wanting a midnight snack."

"The manager says something about him is familiar, he said he looked young. Probably from the middle school down the road." Todoroki said.

"Most likely," I tried not to incriminate myself in front of them.

"I don't think there's anything to worry about, he doesn't seem like the dangerous criminal type. Besides, he only stole a few peices of candy and some ice cream." Shinsou mumbled.


What was that smoke..? It wasn't me,.. at least I don't think it was.

"Tch. I see you're still here, Deku.." I heard Kacchan growl as he walked beside the table.

"I'm not going anywhere." I spat, glaring from the corner of my eye.

"We'll see about that, damn nerd." He walked away.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my food.

"Hey, Midoriya?" Todoroki asked and I looked up to him. "I've been wondering for a while, why don't you and Bakugou get along? You two seem to hate each other."

"Yeah, me too." Shinsou's eyes were focused on me like Todoroki's were.

"We were friends at one point, before my mom..." I trailed off, not ready to talk about that with them. "I stopped talking to him and he hated that. Then we developed our quirks and he thought he was better than me, especially because my powers are more villainous." I explained. "He thinks it's pointless to become a hero and keeps trying to force me to give up so thats why I don't like him, and besides that he's really fucking insensitive." I spat the last part.

After a beat of silence, Todoroki's eyes fell. "Well it's good that you're not listening to him."

Shinsou nodded. "I think you could be a great hero."

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