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I sat in the corner of Mrs. Bakugou's living room. I'm staring at the wall with a blank face, painted with tried tears.

Mr and Mrs Bakugou sat at the couch across the room, talking quietly as Kacchan was somewhere else in the house.

"The American hospital called today, they said Hisashi woke up early this morning." Mr Bakugou muttered.

"Does he know that Inko jumped...?"

"I don't think so.. I don't even think they are aware."

I lightly tapped my finger against my leg with my head leaning against the wall.

"Alright, did they at least say when he would be released from the hospital?" Mrs Bakugou glanced over to me, I could just barely see from the corner of my eye.

"He'll be observed overnight, and he can come home tommorow."

"That's good," she sighed. "I don't know what we'll do with him until then.."

"We're gonna have to wait for Hisashi to come back,.. He'll know what to do.."

"Will he?" She looked between Mr Bakugou and me. "Besides, we can't just wait for him to leave the hospital then get on a plane and fly all the way back here. Just look at him,.. he's hurting."

I curled up more, pulling my legs closer to my chest.

Kacchan came around the corner, "Hey Deku.. Do you want to come play with my action figures..?"

I didn't respond, just keeping my eyes on the floor as I figited with the fabric of my sock.

"Katsuki, give him some more time.." She looked sweetly down at Kacchan.

"Go on back to your room for now.."

I stayed in that corner all day, it was my favorite spot. I could ignore everone easily and be by myself. I didn't eat when Mrs Bakugou said they made lunch and I stopped paying attention to them at all.

Everytime I closed my eyes I could see Momma's body. The cuts and scrapes covering her skin matched the smeared blood under her nose. Her eyes were still opened but they were blank. It felt like I was looking at a mannequin.

I tried not to think about it, but I just wanted to be with her again.

I watched the sky get darker through the window and held onto the blue bear I refused to let go of.

Soon, Mr Bakugou came closer and kneeled down. "Izuku,.. It's getting late, you need to get some rest."

I glanced at him and it felt like the most I had moved all day. "Do you want to sleep in our room? Or you can sleep in the guest room if you'd like.."

"I-..." My voice cracked and I swallowed before trying again. "I dont wanna be alone.."

"Alright,.." He offered his hand and I took it, standing up and wrapping my arms around him. He lifted me off the ground as Mrs Bakugou turned out the lights.

We layed down and pulled the blankets over our shoulders. I turned over and held onto Mrs Bakugo and she layed her arm over me. We layed like this, I held on tight, until we all fell asleep.


"Izuku.." I felt a hand on my shoulder and lifted my head from the wall where I was sitting once again. "It's time to go see dad.." Mrs Bakugou smiled at me.

I nodded and got up with my hand against the wall.

We walked out to the car, Kacchan was holding his dad's hand as I followed behind the three. Mrs Bakugou opened up the door behind the drivers seat and I climbed in, pulling the seatbelt over me.

I looked out the window, staring borishly as the trees passed. As we drove next to the air strip, my eyes followed the planes coming and going.

We all walked inside, Mrs Bakugou took my hand and led me to a bench. People passed and their voices filled the air of the large are as I searched the faces for my father.

"Izuku, look." Mrs Bakugou leaned closer to me so I could hear her and pointed forward.

I jumped off the seat and ran forward, weaving between the crowd of people, rushing around until I was right in front of him. "Dad!" I jumped up as he bent down and pulled me into his arms.

He was covered in bandages and cuts. His hair was a mess and there were obvious bags under his eyes. He looked terrible, but I knew it was him; I just needed to be there, in his arms.

Tears flooded my eyes as I burried my face in his shoulder. "Hey kiddo, were you really that worried about me?" He chuckled lightly, patting my back.

I shook my head harshly. "No.. dad..."

"Mitsuki.." He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso to stay up better. "Where's Inko.."

I squeezed him tighter at the mention of Momma.

"I'm sorry, 'Sashi.." Bakugou spoke, her words full of sorrow.

"I don't understand, why are you here instead of my wife..?" He looked down at me as I sobbed, rubbing his hand on my back.

"Hisashi, Inko thought you had died.. The report that was broadcasted made it appear that way.." Mr Bakugou walked up, Kacchan at his side.

"...She jumped off Otamori bridge.." She finally broke the news to him and he was frozen still.

"I'm sorry, I can't even begin to imagine how you feel,.. If it were Mitsuki,.. I don't know what I'd do..."

"You're saying she... Oh god..no..." He took a step back, bumping into the metal bar behind him.

"....Dad.. She's dead," I cried into his shoulder.

He set me back on the ground and stepped toward Mrs Bakugou, grabbing her shirtfront with tears running down his face. "No.. Please Mitsuki,.. tell me you're lying...."

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