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I countinued to search for the best veiwpoint of the match, crouching and sneaking about.

When I had a clear sight of All Might, I glowed my eyes, smirking mischievously. His reaction time intantly became slower, his legs shaking, his actions stiff. I let out a quiet giggle, watching as he took more hits from the nomu.

This is it! He was pushed to the ground and thrown all about, kicked, bleeding, hit again, cries of pain, he's hit again. My chest pounded, eager.

Aizawa quickly came to his aid after kocking out several of the thugs attacking him. My smile fades, damn Aizawa. He pulls a knife from his utility belt and plunges it into the mom's left eye, clinging to him like a monkey. I grit my teeth, "shit." His scarf is wrapped around the nomu's neck and he claws at it, trying to breathe.

I lunge forward, to join the fight out of anger but stop, Shigaraki interveins first. I hide again.

Aizawa is cautious when he sees him and backs off of the nomu to fight with him now. Shigaraki is rushing forward, both arms extended, quite hastily and foolish. Aizawa grabs his wrist and dodges, letting him stumble under his own weight. Shigaraki easily becomes frustrated and attacks him more quickly, he's able to push Aizawa to the ground with his arm behind his back.

I stare. I've never seen Shigaraki's quirk on another person before. His shirt tears away first, then his skin begins to dry and crumble away. His muscle is visible and then some of the bone. All the while, our teacher yells out in pain, he grits his teeth to stay strong but he's not fooling anyone.

It's then that I realize I've had my eyes away from All Might for so long. All Might wrestles with the nomu and nearly collides with Shigaraki and Aizawa. Shigaraki jumps off and out of the way, Aizawa does the same, clutching his arm close to his chest. He's probably going to pass out soon, only able to stand off of adrenalin.

My eyes refocus on the number one hero and the fight's lead sways. All Might is still trying hard, putting up more of a fight than before but his attacks once again begin to fail him. His strength is faultering. The nomu quickly comes to overpower him and pushing him back.

I watch, blink, stare. We're winning.. All Might is stumbling, struggling, he's not smiling. It seems everyone is trapped in awe, Aizawa's lost a lot of blood, he's too week to stop them. At this rate,.. he'll die!

My quirks stops. I don't register anything for a few seconds, then I realize I had been pulled away. Todoroki held my shoulder and turned me towards him. "Izuku, are you okay??"

Did he see me? That doesn't matter, I have to keep watching the fight! I turn back without a word and activate my quirk again.

"What are you doing,.. you're looking at All Might like you want to kill him..!" He pulls me back, "hey!- ...wait.."

"Shut up."

"Wait- no! Izuku,.. please don't tell me that.. what I'm thinking is..."

"Yeah, probably. I'm just tired of all this Shouto. I've been tired of this from the moment I watched my sister die in front of me! Do you know what thats like! And nobody helped her, they didn't care!," I suddenly snapped at him.

"No! Stop, please!! They can't be right, my father told me you were suspected of being a traitor--"

"Well they're right."

"Don't! Izuku, you're my friend, tell me why, dammit!!"

"Why?!," I shout, appalled. "You know damn well why! You're just as bad as all the other heroes!"

"Don't say it like that! Youcre a hero too-!"

"Not anymore!!" I push him, letting my anger out. "They all betrayed me, why can't I do the same! All of them! All them are terrible, All Might, Endeavor, fucking Mt. Lady! Theycre all just getting paid, they're in the spotlight!"

"Izuku, stop!"

"Leave me alone!!" My eyes went red and he backed away, falling back. I don't know when he started crying.

Well that's dealt with.. I turn back and see that All Might, unsurprisingly and much to my annoyance, got his strength back without my oppression.

"Tch," I grit my teeth and use my quirk yet another time, this is exhausting me. All Might fell to my power much quicker this time, all of the fear around is making me stronger too. With only one more attack he falls.

A gasp carries over anyone who saw, even my jaw dropped, while a voice called out his name. Aizawa. I didn't know he was still awake, or even alive. His words were strained, he had suffered a lot of pain, fighting plus Shigaraki's quirk, you could barely hear any voice just the scratched and pained sounds of the name 'All Might'.

Then, there's a pain in the right side of my face and I'm falling to the ground.

"Deku, what do you think you're doing!?!!," Bakugou tackles and pins me to the ground, already cautious, not pulling back his fist to hit me.

"Wah-?! Bakugou! What are you doing?!" Kirishima.

"This fucker was just using his quirk on All Might! Didn't you see, shitty-hair!," he yelled, not taking his eyes off me.

I gritted my teeth, staring up at his eyes. I don't have time for this shit. "Bakugou,. get. off." I threaten.

"C'mon Bakugou.. you don't know that, he was watching just like we were.." he sounds nervous and unsure but tries to defend me. "Oh, Todoroki you're here too, you're pretty shaken up huh?," he says, looking over to the fight then offers a hand out to Shouto and he takes it.

"You saw him didn't you, half-n-half..?," Bakugou stares.

"I.." his lip quivers, staring down at me, contemplating his next move. "I.. didn't see anything.."

I pushed Bakugou off of me and sit up, leaning back on my hands. Bakugou glares at me while I gaze over to where All Might was taken down. It's silent as we all--save for Bakugou--look over there. Shigaraki is walking over to him, slowly. Is he dead..? I look over to Shouto, Is he gonna rat me out or should I leave? He'll want to talk to me later but I've already said all I had to say to him.

I menouvered to a crouching position before pushing myself off the ground. My legs feel weak. I turn. "Hey Shouto," I get his attention. "Tell Hitoshi I said goodbye," then I smile and see confused looks all around me.

I run.

(I feel like I haven't updated in a while so here's two chapters both over 1000 words)

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