61-On The Run

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The night would be silent and dark if it weren't for the helicopters shining searchlights through the streets and alleyways.  Rain just barely sprinkled through the air and wet the pavement below us. 

"Now," I rushed, our boots crashed into a puddle one after the other as we ran across a nearly barren street, hurrying to avoid the eyes of those in the copter and police in the roads. "How the hell are we going to get out of here? Where are we even going now?!"

Dabi put a hand over my mouth as he looked around the corner. A group of officers barreled past our hiding spot before another ten or so came from the other direction. "Keep quiet, we may still have an escape route, so for now our only goal is to get our of here alive."

I ruffled my hair, shaking some of the rain out of it. "This isn't looking good," I scoffed.

"This is all because you two had to go and wreck the building! I blame you two and your stupid vendetta."


"You'd want him dead too if it was your family that was dead because of-" 

"Midoriya..!," Dabi covered my mouth again, pulling us both close against the brick wall. "Both of you. Shut. Up.," he whispered as a couple of heroes came to the alleyway we were in. It's too dark for them to see us but we'll be dead if we don't do anything.

I looked up to Dabi as they were stepping closer to us, he removed his hands from my mouth and nodded. I took a deep breath then jumped out in front of the two heroes, there was a flash of red then my eyes went black. I pushed them both to the ground and covered their mouths before they could make a sound, they struggled against my arms for several seconds as I suffocated them before they became weak and their arms fell to the wet concrete. 

Before she fully passed out though, a flare shot out of one of the heroes hands and into the street. 

My eyes widened and I looked up, hearing a crowd of footsteps in the light rain. 'What was that?!' 'I think it was Creati's quirk!' 'Let's go!' 

"C'mon, up the fire-escape!," Dabi yelled as Twice already began climbing the ladder. 

"Shit," I mumbled as I got off the wet ground and followed the two of them. The metal banged under our rushed footsteps but the sound was mostly covered by the chopper's rotor blades spinning and rain hitting the earth. Gunshots quickly followed us as we came into sight of a police squad which only made our movements much quicker and rash. 

"Go! Go! Go!," Dabi shouted as if we weren't already in a hurry. 

We ran across the rooftop and jumped to another, slipping on damp gravel when we landed. Our footing wasn't lost for long though, we continued sprinting but we were still in the sights of the bright light the copter had on us. I ducked and flinched as gunshots were being fired at us again, the officers that were behind us must've reached the top of the fire escape now.

"Over here," Twice yelled, there was a door on one of the rooftops, he opened it and we all rushed inside, skipping steps as we hurried down the stairs. 

"Dabi, set a fire," I shouted. "Block the officers that are following us!"

"Right!," he fell behind for a second as the stairwell became lit with blue then he was right at my side again.

We reached the lobby of whatever building we were in, "Find the back door!"

The glass windows and doors at the front were shattered as officers ran inside, following our movements with their bullets. We all ducked behind the reception desk and ran into the back, hoping for a door or window. 

I shut the door and moved a large crate in front of it to keep them from getting in. I huffed, and wiped rain and sweat from my face. Dabi broke down a door, leading to another thin alleyway between buildings before running back into the rain and commotion, "C'mon."

We ran hastily through the space, panic on each of our faces. We didn't bother checking if anyone was behind us at this point, just running to get away with our lives. We reached the end of the pathway and chose to just press our lucks, dashing across the street. Miraculously we made it into the next alleyway and were able to keep taking the backroads unnoticed for another minute. 

The chase came to an end though when a wall of ice blocked our path. We all turned quickly, huffing without breath, to see the source of the chilling sight. 

"Izuku.." Shouto started quietly, my eyes widened as I caught sight of him him. "Do you know what you put me through!?"

"Let's go!," Dabi yelled, urging us to get away, running towards his younger brother.

His left hand engulfed in flames as a warning, "You're not going anywhere, all of you are under arrest!"

"You think you can stop us?! Do you wanna bet, hero?" Jin taunted him.

"Shut up, fool. Izuku, please don't make this difficult, the two of us are friend-"

"Don't come here and talk to me like you know me," I  told him, thinking through my options of what to do, while I'm sure Dabi and Twice were doing the same. "Face it, you don't know me, and I don't know you either. It's been three years Shouto."

He stepped forward, his teeth gritted. "I know it's been three years Dammit!," he yelled before recollecting his calm stature. "Unlike you, I've been here in the real world. But what have you been doing? You joined the League Of Villains? With my damn brother, too? Don't think I didn't notice you Touya."

"Haven't you already gotten over me leaving, you were what--five or six--when I left? You're eighteen Shouto."

"I saw you the night Dad died! I deserved an explanation then and I deserve one now. But that isn't what I'm here for tonight," he reminded us.

I rolled my eyes, "It doesn't matter what happened with either of us leaving." An idea came to my mind, maybe it could get us out of the mess but I'd have to do it fast, the police would be here very soon.

I stepped forward as I began to ridicule him, my eyes going red. "Shouto, are you really so weak that you can't let go of somethings that happened years ago? You think,. do you really think by catching us you'd be able to move on? Pathetic. I bet you're still hoping that there's good left us, aren't you-?"

"Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about, idiot!," he shouted. "I'm not the one who's weak here, I was the only one who was able to stand after all that happened to us! And I've been alone ever since Hitoshi-" he cut himself off. 

I flinched, glaring at him with gritted teeth. "Since Hitoshi what..?," I mumbled.

He stared at me, shaking his head as if he just remembered something. Then he just yelled, so loud and sudden, I flinched, "Hitoshi fucking killed himself!!! Two fucking months after you betrayed us, he slit his damn wrists and said he couldn't bare letting you go the way he did! As if it was his damn fault!" 

I just stared at him and everything was still, he what..? "I- ...That wasn't my fault.. Don't you dare blame me for something like that.!" I stomped forward and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pushing him against the wall, "You know damn well not to go and tell me another person I care about ended their own life because of me!!"

"He did, though." Shouto saw through my anger and read what I was really saying: are you serious, did he really do it?

"Midoriya, we have to go, now," Dabi pulled on my shoulder but I only glared into Shouto's eyes harsher, my eyes have never been a deeper red. "Midoriya!"

"Shit. Fine.," I backed off and the three of us went out of the alley. 

We didn't even make it twenty feet though, I felt a sharp pain in my arm and felt dizzy as footsteps crowded around us before we were pinned us to the ground. I looked over to Dabi who had a dart in his neck and was looking dizzy as my vision was starting to blur. 


(FuCk.. Lowkey scared to post this.)

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