34-Toga Leave, No One Likes You

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Going back to school was, well, odd. I didn't expect it to but standing at the front gates, as a traitor, it definitely was. Just the thought of betraying so many people made me feel a bit guilty until I remembered why I was doing it, they all betrayed me first.

As I took a deep breath, a set of arms were thrown around my shoulders, as a defence I shot my red eyes immediately to my right and glared until I processed who it was I was looking at.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry Shinsou, I didn't mean to-" he stared at me afraid until he snapped out of it and stopped me.

"I-It's okay, Midoriya," he said, clearly still shaken up.

I then looked to my left to see Todoroki who had also come along, looking at Shinsou a bit shocked. I lowered my head and stepped forward, leaving them behind a bit. They walked in pace though and Shinsou continued to tell me what I did was fine, in all honesty I didn't care much.

I had to play along though so I muttered to him, "I told you though, when we first met, that I wouldn't use my quirk on either of you.." Did they buy that?

Shinsou shook his head, "dude, don't worry about it, I said the same thing and well.. I'm really sorry about what happened with your family, because of me."

I sighed with my head low. "I told you, its not your fault.... Life... it's fragile.. I realize that now. Anyone can die, at any moment. ....My mother, my sister, my stepmother, even any of you or any of the heroes. ..People die," I whispered.

The two of them walked over and wrapped their arms around me again as I stood frozen. I was so, so angry with them,.. but I couldn't be in that moment. They prevented me from saving Ayuka and Kana, but I just couldn't blame them right then. They held me tight and it was warm and I felt safe and calm. Tears slipped down my face before I even knew they were there. I wasn't alone. I rested my head on their shoulder and wrapped my arms around them as well.

"I'm sorry," I muttered before I could think about the words, but they didn't say anything. I heard the bell ring but we all just stood still for a moment longer in the threshold.

After a bit, they both pulled away and I wiped my tears. Maybe this won't be too bad, I thought as I looked back to the two of them with a soft smile.

"It's alright," Todoroki said and gently pulled my hand away from my cheek.

"We're gonna help you through this," Shinsou added with a smirk.

Would ya help me kill All Might, I thought and laughed a bit in my head. "Thanks," I nodded my head. We all started heading to class before we were late. 

When I had sat down, Aizawa walked into the room with All Might only a moment later, making my blood boil. I glared and he looked at me with those soft and pittying eyes. He knew I blamed him and I didn't regret it, he deserves to pay.

Once I realized I had a cover I needed to maintain though, I meerly rolled my eyes and gazed out the window as they started discussing the training we would be doing after lunch.

A folded sheet of paper had been passed to my desk with my name on the outside. I unfolded the sheet and read the words on the blue lines.

Hey, don't worry Midoriya. Things will get back to normal soon, I noticed your glare when All Might stepped in.


I knitted my brows together, I don't want things to go back to normal. I want Kana and Ayuka to be alive. The only thing I've got is revenge now. Still annoyed, I faked a soft smile and turned back to him, nodding my head.

This is exhausting..


At lunch I was quiet, pecking at my food while Shinsou and Todoroki talked.

I snapped out of my daze when my name was mentioned. "Midoriya? This might be a stupid question, but are you okay?"

I rolled my eyes and nodded, "I'm fine."

"Well, we were planning to hang out at Shinsou's place after school if you'd want to join us," Todoroki added.

"I'm not sure," I said. "There's someone I've probably gotta talk to after school."

Shinsou smiled, "okay, maybe when you're done with that then?"

I nodded and shortly after the bell rang for us to get back to class.


Walking out of class at the end of the day, Todoroki and I were laughing. Throughout the day, Kaminari persistently raised his hand and answered question wrong. When Shinsou met up with us from 1-c he was confused until we told him the story.

"Wow, Kaminari seams like a huge idiot," he chuckled with a grin.

Todoroki nodded and agreed. "He really is. I don't even know why Aizawa kept calling on him! He was probably just as amused as us, haha."

"Probably," I hummed. "He's a complete moron, but he's actually not that bad. He was my partner when we did the hero-villain roleplay thing," I reminded them.

"Oh yeah," Todoroki had said. "You probably only won because of him, because Bakugou was such a tough opponent."

I rolled my eyes at that, if we fought now, I'd certainly win. I've grown a lot. "It wasn't that difficult of a fight," I defended myself. "I just needed more practice applying my quirk for a fight."

"I didn't see that fight, but I know you've gotten better," Shinsou complimented. "I know I wouldn't want to go up against you in a fight," he laughed a bit.

I smiled. "Heh, thanks, I guess? I wouldn't want to fight you either, if I didn't know how your quirk worked-"

"Izuku!!," two arms wrapped around my shoulders and I turned to see who it was.

"Wha- Toga!? What the hell are you doing here! I'm with my fr-"

"Midoriya, who is this..?" Todoroki asked, looking her up and down suspiciously.

"I'm Toga Tomiko! Izu's girlfriend!" Both Shinsou and Todoroki looked at me in shock.

I pushed her off of me immediately. "No. No. No. She is not my girlfriend. Just a.. friend," I glared at her. "Now Toga, what are you doing here? I told you guys I would-"

"C'mon Izu! I missed you, can't you just be happy to see me!"


"I'm so confused, right now." Shinsou said with an awkward smile.

"I'll, uh, explain in a minute.." "Toga, go home! I'll meet up with you later," I told her. She huffed then headed back down the street pouting.

I rolled my eyes then turned back to my friends. "Sorry about her," I groaned. "I met her a while back and she's always been like that."

Todoroki huffed, "she likes you.."

"Really. How could you tell."

We all laughed and when we calmed down, Shinsou spoke up. "Is she the one you needed to talk to after school?," he asked.

"Heh, no. I don't like her very much. I needed to talk to someone else we both know."

"Suspicious much?" Todoroki commented. "Do what you need to do man, we'll be at Shinsou's place."

"Okay, I should start heading to meet up," I smiled and we waved as we started walking in opposite directions.

(Omg. School sucks. Life sucks. I finally got some free time to write a new chapter, so I hope you like it.)

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