25-Something Broken Inside

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(The guy Shigaraki has them go after isn't important so time skip to when he's walking home.)

We just killed a guy.. I stared down at my feet as I walked down the sidewalk.

I had commited crimes before, but never anything like this. When I was fighting him though, I wasn't exactly focused.

Shigaraki had told me just before, he wanted All Might dead but I don't know if I could take part in that. It's all very confusing.

Honestly Shigaraki's been more of a hero to me than All Might lately. He beleives in me and wants me to join him, I could be pretty good at it too; when I asked All Might, crying and begging him, if I could be a hero, he didn't answer. Maybe I- can't be a hero..

My mind was all a blur when the light was fading from that man's eyes. And it doesn't exactly bother me that theres blood on my hands and a murder to my name.. The though has barely crossed my mind since it happened.

No-one really beleives in me except Shigaraki. All Might's supposed to be the symbol of peice, for everone, but even he couldn't say for sure that I could reach my dumb dreams.

Would it really be so bad if All Might died..? I shook the thought away. Thats ridiculous. Though the though still lingered, I tried not to think about it.

"Hey, watch where you're-" someone started to say as I bumped into them, too busy thinking to look where I was going.

"Sorry, I-" I looked up and saw Bakugou glaring at me with gritted teeth and knitted brows. "Oh, it's just you. How's the wrist, Kacchan?"

"Cut that shit out, bastard!" He shouted and grabbed my shirtfront with his right hand. "I'm tired of your bullshit you damn nerd."

"Oh!" I exclaimed with wide eyes and a smile. "The tables really have turned now!" My grin turned sinister as I looked at him, "it was always your bullshit that I was getting tired of. Isn't that funny?" I chuckled slightly to myself.

He scoffed and let go of my shirt, pushing me back. "I said cut it out!!" He yelled.

I leaned closer to his face with a shit eating grin. I hummed, tilting my head slightly, "ya' know what I find interesting, Kacchan?" I stepped away again.

"Tch. What the hell are you talking about?" He grumbled.

"Your worst fear used to be me beating you or even coming close. But you got stonger, rapidly so, and it doesn't make any sense but whatever." I shrugged my shoulders, still smiling.  "Point is- you're not afraid of that anymore, so my question is. What happens now when I do this?"

I leaned forward again, uncomfortably close, and used my quirk. He took a step back and my smile only widened, spreading unnaturally from ear to ear, slightly crooked, and unsettling. Tears fell silently down his cheeks as he stared blankly.

"Dammit, deku." He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, turning his head to the side. I stood up straight again, feeling satisfied.

He looked up again and punched me in the face, too quickly for me to dodge. "You can't be a hero if you pull crap like that just 'cause you wanna know what happens, asshole!"

I turned around and, with a menacing, eerie, smile, tackled him to the ground. "You never beleived in me anyway, Kaachan! What would you do if I went the other way, huh!? Really, I wanna know! What would you do if I went dark-side?!" I sound like a maniac yelling and screaming at him, pinning him to the ground.

"The fuck?! Get off me, Deku!" He yelled as he tried to get up.

"Answer my question!" I put my hand on his chest, slamming his head into the concrete.

"I'd kill you, you fucking bastard, GET OFF!!"

"Really!?" I laughed, "You'd kill me? Hah! You've never killed before so why start with me?"

"DEKU GET OFF, NOW!" He started clawing at my hand and coughing.

My laugher stopped but I didn't move. I stared down at his strained expression and realized how much pressure I was really applying to his chest, it felt like his ribs could snap at any moment. 

Blood was everywhere, his skin ripped open and bones broken. My palm weaved through his ribcage and rested around his heart. The image from my dream a few nights ago resurfaced in my mind.

"Don't you do it.. I'll Kill you, damn nerd," I remember him saying to me.

I jumped off of him and he immediately curled over, holder his chest and coughing like he'd swallowed a penny.

I just ran, I don't know why, I had lost control. Bakugou was yelling behind me as best he could but I ignored him.

What is wrong with me?

I'm broken..

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