47-I'm Back

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Todoroki POV

I sat in the back of English class, not really paying attention and going over some of my notes from my new investigations class.

I few memories passed my thought as I edited the pages of my notebook. I narrow my eyes, thinking of the night Izuku, Hitoshi and I were studying for a geometry quiz. What happened to him, I remember Izuku laughing with us, making fun of Hitoshi for pressing so hard with his pencil.

It was a different time.


I look up and see my teacher Hizashi talking to Aizawa at the door. I get up and walk over to them, "what's going on?"

"Come into the hall for a minute," Aizawa says. "This won't take long," he tells Hisashi.

We step into the hall and he closes the door. "I'm gonna start off by saying I don't have to be telling you this. I think you deserve to know and you'd be interested."

I cross my arms with narrowed eyes. "What is this about?"

"The investigation with Midoriya. Alright," he sighed. "The detective in charge spoke to me a few minutes ago. He said once they were able to trace his phone's location, they followed it to a house just outside the city."


"Well. A few officers went over to check it out, there was no answer at the door and when they went inside... Midoriya's phone was there..along with two bodies of the residents of the home.."

"They were dead.. you're sure it was his phone?" He simply nodded.

"That's all I'm allowed to tell you right now. I just thought you should know, so head back to class."

Midoriya POV

When I got back to the bar I was met with a slap in the face by Shigaraki, (he was wearing a special glove so it was fine). "You're a fuckin' Idiot!," he yelled before Dabi pulled him away.

I rolled my eyes, with a hand on my cheek.

"Izu!" I was captured in a hug quickly and nearly pushed to the floor.

"Uh- Toga?!" She pulled away and grabbed my hand to look at my face.

"Are you okay? Shigaraki, how could you do that!," she yelled at him before turning back to me. "Does it hurt, Izuku..?"

"Not too bad.." I pushed her away from me.

"He's fine, bitch!"

"Don't call me that, you crusty bag of Doritos!," then they started bickering like children, as usual.

I glanced over to Dabi, "has he been drinking..?" I see several glasses lined on the counter at the bar.

He nods. "He was pissed that you used your quirk on him.. and that you left in the first place. By the way, it was me that texted you earlier."

"Oh. ...well this has been interesting."

He turns to where Shigaraki and Toga were yelling and throwing insults back and forth. "Hey, hey! Cut it out you two, this is pointless," he grabs Shigaraki and pulls him out of the conversation and Toga ran off.

I walked over to a chair and sat down to rest my legs, sighing. Dabi joins me, eyeing Shigaraki as he heads back to the bar. "So where did you go, you've been gone for hours, y'know? I was afraid you'd been caught by the police."

I shook my head. "Almost though. That doesn't really matter. ...I went to someone for advice, didn't really help much though," I scoffed.

"When you say almost?"

I sigh. "A detective stopped me, asked who I was and whatever. I lied of course, then he let me go."


"And I left my phone where I was, I'm gonna want a new one."

He chuckled, "of course. We've got spares 'cause that actually happens kind of often. A friend of mine's quirk is real convenient for theft, so we've got a bunch," as he spoke he wandered over to a cupboard and pulled out a box and gave it to me.

Toga jumped into the seat next to me and put a small bag of ice against my cheek. I flinched away because of the cold. "Hmph. Let me help you, Izu.."

"I told you he didn't hit me that hard, and stop calling me that."

"But your face is really red!," she whined. "You should put some ice on it!"

"Ugh! Fine. But I can do it myself." I grabbed the ice pack from her and held it against my face, "happy?"

"Toga, let him be," Dabi said before she could complain again.

She crossed her arms and pouted, still sitting really close to me. "Anyway," I sighed.

"Yeah. Sorry about Shigaraki, he's pissed about everything right now."

"You'd think he'd be happier with All Might gone, huh?"

"Yeah, but 'no time to celebrate with that kid running around like an idiot', as he puts it. You've been pissing him off, like I said."

"I piss off a lot of people these days. You're not mad about what happened, are you?"

"Nah, I understand that you needed a break."

"You're not going to ask if I was upset or worried?," Toga questioned, annoyingly.

"No. I don't care what you thought."

"Izu! That one hurt my feelings!"

I groaned, leaning my head back. Dabi just started laughing.

(Sorry this one's a bit short)

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