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(9 years later)

I ran around the corner, struggling to hold the assortment of beer and sodas.

"Get back here brat! Someone call the police my store was just robbed!" The shopkeeper shouted as he chased me through the streets.

I turned down an alleyway and saw a dead end. He laughed as he saw me standing in the center. "Looks like you took a wrong turn. Just turn around and give me the stuff and I won't press charges."

I smirked, looking into the shadowed building walls. As I turned around, my eyes glowed red and I glared directly at the obnoxious man.

His eyes widened and he fell onto the ground screaming. He was in complete horror staring up at me.

I stepped over to him and crouched down, "what's the matter,.. You look.... scared.." I chuckled lightly seeing the fear in his eyes.

He bagan screaming more and covered his eyes, completely horrified. "Get away from me! Go away!"

I chuckled and stood up, "fine, I'm going."

I smiled confidently and blinked, my eyes going back to normal as I walked away from the scene. The bystanders who watched were confused but didn't bother trying to stop me.

I rolled my eyes as people stared. I walked the rest of the way with disapointment, the whole situation was too easy, too boring. Besides that, I only stole about thirty dollars worth of goods.

I turned down the empty street, checking over my shoulder to see no-one paying attention. I walked up to the old warehouse and ducked through a broken window on the side.

I set the packages of drinks on an old dusty table and continued to walk through the stuffy space.

There was barely any light shining through the dirty and yellowed windows, cobwebs were everywhere and dust covered everything in sight. Lots of rusted and damaged construction equipment lay around. Metal chains lay on the floor and hung on the walls. The faded paint chipped away from the walls and almost every floor tile was cracked. Old plastic sheets, ripped and dirtied hung loosely over the desks and a few chairs stacked in the corner.

I come here often, nobody cares what I do with my life and I like the quiet and isolated building. This place closed down in the late sixties and they didn't do anything with the building, nobody felt the need to buy the land.

I walked around the corner and up some old wooden stairs, they creaked quietly under my feet as I slowly headed up. I got to the second floor and walked past the desks and to the very back room.

I climbed up the ladder to the ceiling and opened the hatch to get onto the roof.

I sighed, seeing my breath in the cold air before it blew away, pushed by the wind blowing through my hair. I kicked around a rock on the gravel as I walked over to the edge, looking over the trees in the distance and hearing the few people walking below.

I sat on the ledge pulling one knee to my chest and letting the other leg hang below me.

The scene was a peaceful one, there was nothing but the wind, a few birds and the sunset before me. It was strange, but this veiw always made me feel cared for, less alone. Watching the sunset, feeling the wind brush against my skin, it brought a warmth that I couldn't explain. This was my spot, where I came to just...feel like myself.

I closed my eyes and just listened. I listened to the birds and the wind in the trees. I listened to the footsteps of the few people left on the street.


I typed the code to open the large iron gates to my house and walk down the long driveway. I heard the gateway click behind me as it slid closed.

"I'm home." I called out as I kicked my shoes off at the door. I picked up the bags from the convenient store and headed into the main living room.

"Where the hell have you been.." Dad grumbled as I turned around the corner.

"Do you care."

"Where's my beer? I ran out an hour ago."

I glared at him and lifted the plastic bag with the alcohol in it. "Why didn't you just ask Yatsuda to get some?" I walked over, setting the case on the side table.

"It was his day off." He said as he opened the case and twisted off the lid of a bottle.

"Whatever.." I muttered under my breath as I turned and walked away with my sodas, heading up the grand stairway to my room.

I twisted the cap off of a dr pepper, hearing it fizz as I sat at my desk.

I sat in the silence of my room, no music, or TV show playing. I was just alone in the decorated square room that felt cold and lonely.

The air felt artificial and clean, my bed was made, not a wrinkle in sight and everything was perfectly organised. It was always like this, there was never anything just lying around and nothing was ever out of place. The sight desgusted me, it felt so unnatural, unreal.

This house always felt like something out of a movie. It was so big and well-kept, the cleaning crew made sure there was never any dust, our laundry was always done and there was not a dirty dish in sight.

'You can have anything you want,' one of the maids had told me once. But I never saw it that way, after momma died, after she killed herself, all I ever wanted was to be close to dad. He threw himself into his work and made a lot of money, he became the number five hero in the world; but in doing that he was never home, when he was he was drinking and hooking up, never paying attention to me.

I hated every minute of it nobody cared about me. All the kids at school are scared of me because of my quirk, some of the teachers too. Kacchan started to bully me when middle school started, he always said my quirk would be useless for a hero; I never said anything to the teachers or dad because I agreed with him.

I got up and walked over to my mirror, looking at myself. I hated what I saw, I felt fat, my hair was annoying and always in my face, and my freckles were ugly. My eyes drove me crazy, the dark emerald color was fine, it was when I used my quirk and they glowed red that I hated.

It was useful because I could get away with anything if the person going after me was afraid. But underneath that,.. I have nightmares every night, I try not to sleep because of it. I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in years, waking in the middle of the night or not sleeping at all. And when I look at myself in the mirror, and I look into my red eyes,... I see my worst fear.

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