8-Falling Asleep

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I layed my head down on my arms and looked out the window as the teacher explained the lesson.

The exams for UA are tommorow morning, I can get out of this school, work to do something interesting with my life. This guys voice bores the hell out of me.

I picked up my pen and started to doodle on my hand to keep me busy. I drew generic flowers and lighting bolts, circles and random lines. Soon, the designs covered my hand and all around my wrist.

My eyes became heavy as I watched the ink spread with every stroke. I blinked and my head bobbed. All sounds drowned and faded into the background. My eyes became heavy.

The gentle song from a violin played in the distance. My head swayed to the tune. I could feel my heart beat softly in my chest as the music flowed through my head.

I looked up when there was a tapping on my desk. My eyes trailed over a clean, unwrinckled black suit as my head rose. An eerie smile cut into the pale face of an elderly man. His grey eyes drove holes into my skull as he stared down at me. A crow with obsidian feathers sat peacefully on his shoulder, it's yellow eyes seemed to glow in contrast to the now dark room.

I slowly stood, his ghostly eyes following my movement. As I backed away, the bird's twin flew through the window and landed on my desk.

The classroom was empty when I looked around, a heavy fog met the bottom of the desks. The light outside was gone and it appeared to be night. The man's wrinkled face grinned wider as I searched the room with my eyes.

My heart was pounding. My head ached. My legs felt like they would collapse beneath me any minute.

Two more feathered wings landed in the window frames to my left. My soul left my body when one of them let out a horrendous screech.

The man who had been still the entire time began to laugh maniacally as he raised his right hand. His laughter filled the air getting louder as his hand rose higher. My heart pounded as I stared into his pearly eyes.

I stepped back, the floor creaking beneath my feet as his hand rose.

His fingers snapped, the sound echoed like a gunshot on a battlefeild. Instantaneously, three more sets of dark birds flew in.

The seven of them flapped their wings, flying in the air with no pattern. Their feathers beat against the air. Louder and louder. Their wings carried them in a storm. The seven harmonies of their screams added together. They flew closer. They became louder. His laughter echoed still and the room was filled with sounds. The desks shook atop of the the floor, the metal clapping together, vibrating.

Tears fled down my cheeks as I stepped away with shaky legs, the creaky wood sounding again. My chest pounded, my breath visible in the air. My sobbs and screams were drowned out. The sound echoed, became louder with every second, more painful to listen to.

I crouched down as it all surrounded me. I covered my ears and stared down at my knees. Blood covered the ground and I shut my eyes as more tears fell. It felt like I was sitting in the middle of an earthquake as the tables rattled.

A churchbell mixed in with the sounds. My ears burned, my head ached, my throat was sore and my chest pounded. Laughing. Birds screaming. Wings flapping. Bell ringing. My crying. Tables shaking.




The sounds mixed together until they were indecipherable. My arms were shaking as my tears fell to the wet floor.

I bounced up when I felt a hand on my shoulder. The room was bright again as I opened my eyes, the man was gone and so were the birds. It was silent.

I wiped away the tears that were on my face and my hands were still shaking.

"Midoriya, are you alright?" My teacher's borish voice asked.

I blinked quickly, taking a deep breath as I realized I had fallen asleep. "No... Just leave me alone.."

"It's time to go to lunch, ok? And try not to sleep in my class, its disrespectful."

"I'd be glad to never sleep again, you have no idea what I have to deal with. So don't tell me that it's disrespectful. I was already trying my best." I spat, narrowing my eyes and grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder as I walked out of the class. My heart was still pounding as I walked down the hallway.

What the hell was that nightmare? I rubbed my head, echoes still ringing through my mind.

I turned around the corner, walking past the cafeteria, the restroom, the gym and went out the door on the side of the school.

I felt a headache coming on as I stepped down the sidewalk to the nearby convenience store. I pulled a bottle of Ibuprofen from the side pocket on my bag and swallowed the pills.

The bell above the door rang and I was greeted with a generic hello from the cashier as I entered the small shop. I glanced up to the corners of the room and spotted the security cameras before heading to the back to find some food.

I grabbed a jar of peanut butter and turned to the next isle and found some Ritz crackers. Glancing up to the cameras again, I crouched behind an ice cream cooler, in a blind spot, and stuffed the items in my bag.

On my way out the door, a small package caught my eye on the shelf. The middle aged worker didn't bother to stop me if she even noticed me take it and I started down the street again.

I went inside the old factory and smeared some peanut butter on a cracker, eating it.

After a few minutes of boredom and snacking, I set down the food. I walked over to where I had a makeshift pull-up bar set up and jumped to grab it.

Some of my dark hair fell in front of my face as I pulled myself up and let myself fall. My hands tightened around the bar, my knuckles turned white and beads of sweat inched down my forehead.

I spent hours doing pull-ups, push-ups, crunches and lifting random construction equipment to work out.

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