60-Our Old Friend, Death

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It was a couple more days before Dabi was convinced we had a solid enough plan, though it was still very shaky. "Listen," I interrupted him as he started to tell me we needed to be more prepared again. "If we don't do this now, I will literally go out of my freakin mind." 

He sighed, "I know, I know. But this is insane, you do realize that, right?"

"He can die, Dabi. He's human too." He nodded and opened the door to the bar and flinched  when we saw Twice standing in the doorway, his hand raised like he was about to knock. 

"Dabi,. Midoriya. I came because I haven't heard from Toga in a while, do you know where she is?," he has't been around since that night so he still doesn't know about them.

"Well, I don't know what happens to people when they die, so I have no clue," I gave a sarcastic answer. I sat back on my bed, feeling that the conversation would drag out.

Dabi nagged me for being insensitive  and explained the nature of her death, also informing him that Shigaraki was gone too. Dabi calmed him down and was very delicate with his words while I tried to harshly end the conversation. As he mentioned our plan to kill AFO, I groaned and flipped a knife in the air.

"Let's go already," I complained. "He's not just gonna kill himself, now is he?"

"Right.." he rubbed at the back of his neck then turned back to twice. "Jin, if you're not going to help us, just leave. I'm only going along with this because he'd get himself killed otherwise."

Twice glanced down to me as I stood up again, blades in hand. "I can't help you with this crazy plan. Don't die though."

I walked past him, Dabi following and we turned to the room the boss was sleeping in. The two of us stood outside the door for a few seconds, he waited for me to turn the nob, as if he was thinking I was unsure. I glared at him before throwing the door open and running in. 

Almost as if he could sense us, AFO jumped out of bed but our sight was quickly diminished when Dabi set a flame and filled the room with smoke and fire. I pulled a mask over my nose and mouth so I could breathe then lunged toward him with red eyes and knife ready to swing.

All Fore One froze up for just a second but regained his bearings before my blade could touch him. He shoved me away with his arm then blue flames lit the area which he only blocked with one of his stolen quirks. I shot around behind him as Dabi continued to throw flames at him.

I darted up through the smoke, my arm and blade ahead of me to cut his skin. I managed only a scratch before he grabbed my arm and threw me over his shoulder. Dabi called out my name, making sure I was okay as he protected me with his flames. I got back to my feet, my back already aching and glared at All For One, my eyes distorted to yellow and glowed.

I had to keep my eyes locked on him as I moved and Dabi kept him distracted, attacking him with his quirk. AFO's quirk usage was slowing down but I was also using a lot of energy to keep his strength at bay. One of my eyes turned black and I swiped my hand through the air, pulling the ceiling to the ground on his left. The concrete crashed down and then I did the same on the opposite side of him, leaving him with less room to dodge attacks.

I climbed the rubble before darting behind him, the dust hadn't even settled yet. My eyes locked with Dabi's and we nodded to each other.

Blue flames combusted in the shattered room as I attacked him from behind. When my knife cut through and blood poured from the wound, it didn't feel real. Sweat inched down my forehead as I could feel the burning heat of Dabi's fire.

I landed back on my feet as the fire dissipated. The smoke blocked my vision, I could only see a hazy silhouette and hear my panting breath.

I waited, staring while my breathing filled the silence.

My eyes widened as his position shifted. He looked over his shoulder, hand on his blood-painted neck and glaring at me. His lips parted then he uttered his last words, malice in his tone "audacious child.. you haven't ....won."

(Shouto POV)

"Furizaban, a building has collapsed on Kichiro Street! The police have told us that several known villains associated with The League were spotted fighting before the roof caved in, too," I looked up from my paperwork and looked at the slightly panicked sidekick.

(Furizaban = Freezer burn in Japanese, his hero name)

"Is that so," I mumbled as I got to my feet and headed to the door. "I'm going. Notify Ground Zero of the situation, he may want to be here for this."

"Yes sir."

Why now, I began to wonder as I made my way downtown, they've been growing in secret for three years, barely any activity but enough to let us know they were still a threat. So what is it that's happening now. We've never been able to find their base of operations since I started investigating with EraserHead as a first year, but maybe tonight..? I have to just focus on keeping the citizens safe for now. 

I wonder if he'll be there.?

(Midoriya POV)

Dabi ran over to me Twice quickly behind him, I guess he hadn't left. "Midoriya we have to go!," Dabi shouted at me, trying to shake me out of a trance.

I just stared to where All For One had fallen, ignoring the sirens I heard in the distance.

"Midoriya cut it out," Jin slapped me, effectively getting my attention. "We can't stay here unless you want to get caught! The heroes and police are on their way."

My senses came back to me, the smell of smoke in the air, a stinging in my eyes, my grip on the handle of a knife, a hint of blood on my tongue, and alarms from far away all came rushing in. I nodded and gained my footing, "let's go. Before it's too late."

(If u weebs couldn't tell, this is getting very close to the end of the book, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, it was definitely a lot of fun to write. Btw 'Jin Bubaigawara' is Twice's real name if any of u were confused by Jin, I just don't like saying the same name over and over.)

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