23-The Woman Lost pt.1

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"You figured it out?"

"I didn't think you could pull it off so quickly.." Kurogiri said.

I grinned as I leaned back in my chair, "well it wasn't easy, but it sure as hell was fun."

"Then.." Shigaraki started, glancing toward Kurogiri. "You'd want to do it more?"

I looked over to him. "Uh, yeah. You got somethin' in mind?"

He grinned. "Well if you're with us, then there's someone who I've been looking for and pissing me off for a while. We could go down there, just you and me, and teach the bitch a lesson."

I tilted my head. "Who is she?"

Shigaraki sighed, "let's just say,.. she's someone who disappeared on a lot of people. The world would be very different if she weren't a coward." He spat. From his expression I could see he had a lot of built up anger on the matter.



"Kana, d'you know where dad is?" I leaned around the corner the next morning before school.

She looked up from the book she was reading. "Uhm, he's already left for work, why?"

"I'm going out with friends after school today, bye!" I turned around as she said a quiet 'alright' and headed to the door.

I'm in a surprisingly good mood today, figuring out more aspects of my quirk just makes me feel stronger, like nothing can get to me. And Shigaraki and the others have been so helpful to me without much in return; I'm glad to be able to help him with this girl he's been looking for.

"Shinsou!" I yelled as I saw him heading through the gates if the school. He turned around and I gave him a bright smile with a wave in return.

"What's got you all cheery?" He asked as I git closer to him. "Did the training with All Might go well yesterday?"

My smile grew wider. "Yeah! Remember at the begining of the year how I passed Aizawa's test? I threw that ball over 700 yards and ran faster than Bakugou could blast his way to the ebd if the relay?"

"Yeah?" He said, bit seeing my point.

"I figured out how to do it on purpose, kinda, and it was really cool!"

His eyebrows raised, "really? Thats awesome."

"Oi, stop bragging damn nerd! All the shit that went down yesterday was just dumb luck!" The two of us heard a familiar angry voice behind us. "Any other day, I'd beat you to a pulp!"

I turned around, seeing Bakugou walking closer and noticed the brace around his left wrist. "Is that a challenge? I'd say lets have a rematch, but I might feel bad about fighting someone already injured," I gestured to the wrist-brace.

He gritted his teeth. "I coukd kill you right now, let's go! The old lady's just precautious!"

"Don't be an idiot," Todoroki walked up and put a hand on Bakugou's shoulder. "Wouldn't want you looking like a fool."

Todoroki walked past Bakugou and joined Shinsou and I, "let's get inside."

I waved over my shoulder, grinning, "see ya in class, Kacchan!"

Shinsou leaned over, "why do you call him that sometimes?"

I giggled to myself, "cause it pisses him off, look."

The two of us turned back to see him raging in the pathway, making small explosiins in his palms. Shinsou smiled, "I think Todoroki calling him an idiot and a fool is adding to that."

I laughed, "heh, probably."


After another day of boring classes, I rushed out the door to meet up with Shigaraki.

"Midoriya! Where ya going?" Todoroki called out over the crowd.

I turned around but kept walking. "Uh, I've got somewhere to be, sorry!" I turned back and made my way to the bus stop where Shigaraki said he'd be waiting.

When I saw him, I waved with a smile. "Shigaraki! How's ya doin'?"

"I'm good," he said. "Want a soda?" He raised a bottle of dr. pepper.

"Sure," I gladly took the drink and sat down next to him. I took a sip then focused my eyes on the ground. "So, if you don't mind, who is this woman we're going to see? You seem a little off today."

He sighed. "Heh, is it obvious," he sulked. I nodded. "She's someone who disapeared a long time ago. She was supposed to be there and I learned a while ago that she was still alive and it pissed me off. My life, everyone's lives could've been so much better."

I didn't know how to respond to that, so I didn't. This woman had personally hurt him, there was nothing but venom in his tone as he spoke, he had a deep hatred toward her.

The entire bus ride was silent and he just leaned his head against the window. It vegan to rain and I put my earbuds in while we waited, Shigaraki said it might take a while to get there.

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