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At about 12:45am, Dabi and I headed out and I explained my plan.

"Before we get to his house, I need to 'gather' fear so I can be strong enough. I plan to kill him in his sleep, but if he wakes up, it won't be good. So, I'm probably gonna have to kill a few innocents along the way."

"You sure you wanna do that kid?"

"I don't care right now."

Dabi stopped me with a hand on my chest. "Then lets not walk around aimlessly, c'mon," he nodded his head and walked across the street, leading me in a different direction.

I didn't know where he was taking me, but I trusted him as we headed across town. The night was slightly chilly and a soft breeze brushed through my hair.

I wrapped my arms across my chest as he turned and stopped at the corner. "Here we are," he said.

Across the street, people gathered under the bridge and huddled around trashcan-fires. Many of them wore dirtied coats and beenies on their heads. Children played and were dressed in the same hobbled clothing. They were homeless.

"This doesn't bother you, does i-"

"No. Burn it down." I commanded and began to cross the road. Blue flames sprouted from behind me and caught the attention of a few of the people.

As we stepped closer, it became clear to them that we would not be friendly. Quickly, the grass blazed and their coats burned. Screams filled the air. Smoke rose the the stars. People ran and tripped. A grin scratched into my cheeks, the setting of a raspy chuckle. I could feel myself getting stronger and I was rushed with euphoria.

I chased after a young girl and caught her easily. Tears roamed from her eyes and I lifted her by the hair with a crooked smile. "Bye bye young one," I threw her away and watched as she collided with one of the concrete supoorts and blood ran down the pillar.

The energy was almost visible as they screamed and I gathered their fear. The power pulsed through my veins like a drug, making me more powerful with every shriek. My quiet and raspy chuckle was growing, I was laughing, singing above all the panic and chaos.

The flames would rush in, waves on a beach, killing and harsh. The glow spread, destructive and glorious. It moved as if conducted by a symphony of harmonic and bouncing violins, flutes, bass', and trumpet. Beautifully manic.

Blood showered the scene. A distinct smell of blood and smoke and a chorus of screams like a siren of lyrics filled the air.

The sparks from the flame was a feild of blue lightningbugs while wolves howled at the moon. The screams went out one by one like the candles of a childs birthday cake and when the last scream quieted, it was deadly silent, only the crackling of the fire sounded.

I huffed, catching my breath and watching the flames spread. I jumped in my skin as I felt a hand on my shoulder but it was only Dabi and he held his hands up.

"You ready to go now?," he asked.

I nodded and smirked. We started heading that way and I couldn't stop smiling, small giggles excaping every once and a while.

Dabi immediately noticed my giddy behavior. "What's up with you, didn't expect you to be so excited."

"When there's so much fear and power, I can't hold it back," I hummed.

I turned out of an alleyway we were walking inand caught a glimps of white, I shoved Dabi back immediately.

"Izuku,.. What are you doing out so late?"

"Um, nothing Shouto. Just.. walking. What're you doing?"

He looked to the side, quite glumly too. "What my father talked to me about,... it was.. unsettling."

I furrowed my brows. "What was it..? If you don't mind me asking."

He looked up to me from behind his lashes, "...it was.. about you.. actually," he said, clearly uneasy.

"Oh?," I prompted him to continue.

He took a deep breath before speaking again. "Apparently, All Might is worried that.. you're not really with the heros.. And he told my father because we're friends and he was worried about me. I don't want to beleive it, trust me I don't, but coming from All Might,... I have to be a bit suspicious. ...Im sorry."

I was glaring as he spoke, I knew he was onto me! "That's ridiculous," I scoffed. "I've wanted to be a hero my whole life so I can save people and help them!"

"I know. I argued that, but nobody really cared what I had to say."

I sighed. "Whatever, you can still trust me, I'll leave you alone for now though."

He nodded, "Yeah, I really need to think more. I'm glad I ran into you though," he gave a soft smile.

I smiled too, "Yeah, see you at school tommorow?"

"Yeah," he started walking oast me and when he was out of sight, Dabi came out of hiding.

"Lucky he didn't see you, huh?," I joked, looking up at him.

"Sure," we headed down to the house again. "You don't beleive any of that shit you said, do you? 'Cause I'd hate to remind ya, we just killed at least fifty people."

I waved him off. "No, I'm a great actor though, right?," I laughed.

"If it was all an act, definately."


I picked the lock with my pocket knife when we arrived at the Todoroki household. The door slowly creaked open and it was all dark inside.

Dabi stepped in before me and slowly headed down the hall. I looked around as I shut the door and followed him; everything was clean as if no-one even lived here, the kitchen, dining table, even the living room.

At the end of the hall, Dabi silently opened a door and we peeked inside, seeing Endeavor asleep. How did he know which room he'd be in..? We walked in and I stood next the the bed, staring down at him as my blood boiled.

I flinched as a door shut across the house, both of us looked that way and listened. Quiet footsteps tapped down the hall. "Shouto!," I whispered.

"Kill him, I'll deal with him," Dabi told me and stepped into the hall.

"Who are you..?" I heard Shouto say and I turned my attention back to the pro hero.

I pulled out my knives, three in each hand, and my eyes went black.

"What the fuck?!," Shouto yelled, flames errupted in the hall and Endeavors eyes snapped open.

He grabbed one of my wrists and I swiped the other across his face, making cuts that looked like claw marks. "Damn you!," he yelled, one of his arms engulfed in flames.

I jumped forward and pushed his lit arm into the ground, breaking the wood flooring. The power was like magic, it seemed too easy to take him down.

He swiped his leg under me and I ended up on my back. He shot his fire at me but I blocked it, ripping up the flooring to use as a shield. I threw the wood forward, hitting his head and he backed away, unstable.


"TOUYA, WHY?!!," I heard from the galkway.

I gathered some of my knifes and tackled him to the ground before stabbing the weapons into his chest multiple times. He yelled in pain and fought for a few moments before he became weaker.

I stood up when his arms went still and wiped the sweat from my forhead.

Blue and red light bounced from the hallway. Ice appeared and melted and sour words were thrown back and forth.

I ran to the hall and hung in the doorway but Dabi quickly covered my veiw with his own flames. "Get out of here,.. friend!," he shouted and I was somewhat grateful he was protecting my identity.

I ran and gathered my knives, putting them away. I broke the window across the room and escaped, running back to the bar.

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