14-Self-centered Baby

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(Self harm warning, kinda?)

Mondays suck. A lot.

I don't know where it came from, but Kacchan was a million times more pissed than usual. The first time I saw him today, he glared at me with a deep scowl on his face.

I brushed it off, knowing him, he was probably just going to let off some steam. I was very sleep deprived and didn't want to deal with his shit today, but that wasn't fucking happening. I haven't slept since Ayuka helped me out last week.

I sat with Todoroki and Shinsou in 1-A before class started and Shinsou had to leave. Even they said Kacchan seemed angrier than usual and they barely know him.

I just tried to ignore him as the class went by. He kept throwing glances my way and I could see his fists held tightly at his side.

I ignored him the best I could and did my work to try and be a hero.


"Damn Deku.." I was pushed against the lockers by my shoulders and my head hit the metal. I opened my eyes and saw Kacchan glaring angrily.

"Kacchan, leave me alone.." I muttered, annoyed.

"You damn nerd, why have you not left this school yet?" He growled, pushing me against the lockers again. "You know you're no match for me, especially now.." He smirked.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Just let me go, I'm not dealing with your shit today." I pushed him off of me and he stumbled back a bit.

That only made him angrier, "did you just fuckin-" Todoroki put his arm in front of him and cut him off.

"Leave him alone Bakugou. If you truly beleive you could beat him then there's no reason for you to be constantly putting him down like this." He said monotonously as he glared from the corner of his eye.

"Unless you think Midoriya is actually better than you are.." He added, smiling softly.

I just gritted my teeth, looking at his expression.

"There's no fucking way this nerd could beat me." He growled then turned back to me. "You just need to see that you'll never be a hero. You see, half-n-half, he's never fought back. Not even once. That's how I know he'll never be able to be a hero."

My eyes fell and I walked forward, between Todoroki and Kacchan. "Let's go get lunch.."


"See this is exactly what I'm fucking talking about!" Kacchan laughed and I stopped. "Why don't you do anything! I'm right here, go ahead, hit me. Use your damn quirk or something!" He taunted me.

I looked over my shoulder and glared at him, seeing his shit-eating-grin. "If I did anything,.. you would run away screaming or stand frozen with tears running down your face." I spat. "I said, I'm not dealing with your shit today. So back off."

I turned down the hall and ignored all the people that had just seen that interaction as Todoroki followed behind.

"Hey guys-whoa, Midoriya.. You look pissed. What happened?" Shinsou asked as he headed over to us.

"..Bakugou." Todoroki answered for me.


I was quiet for the rest of lunch and I held my fists tight in my pockets half the time. It started to hurt after about only five minutes, but I only dug my nails deeper. I was surprised that the pain didn't bother me much after a while.

I layed my head down about ten minutes before lunch was over and looked at my hand under the table. Sure enough, deep red crescents were indented in my palms, turning blue in the deepest ones. It didn't surprise me and I just closed my fist again, putting my nails in the same place.

I clenched them tighter every few seconds, wondering how much it would take for me to give up or draw blood. My hands began to shake because of how much presure I used to hold my hands closed.

The bell rang and Todoroki nudged my shoulder. "It's time to go," he said.

I lifted my head and sighed, releasing my hands. "...do you wanna skip with me.?"

"What? Midoriya we can't do tha-"

"I've done it before, I wont pressure you two to come with me, I just don't wanna go back to class."

They shared a look for a moment before Shinsou shrugged. "I could use a nap, honestly."

Todoroki grumbled quietly. "I have to get to class. If my dad sees I skipped, I'm dead."

"Alright, talk to ya later then." I said as we headed to the door.

Shinsou and I left the school as Todoroki made it back to class.

"Where are we gonna go?" He asked as we walked in sync.

"I have a place in mind."

He didn't question me and I led him down to the old factory building. "Watch your head," I said after I ducked through the broken window on the side of the building.

"Ow." I heard a peice of glass fall and break on the ground.

"You good?"

"Yeah," he rubbed his hand on his forehead. "How do you even know about this place?"

"I don't know,.. I wandered around a lot when I was younger. I just found it one day, I just come here to be alone."

He hummed and dropped his bag on the ground. I did the same and walked over to my pull-up bar.

"It's really dusty in here, how long has this place been around?" He asked as I was getting ready to jump up to the bar.

"Since the fifties I think.."

I jumped up and my hands wrapped around the rusty bar, sending a stabbing pain through my sore hands. I didn't think about the pain that was already in my hands before I jumped up to work out like an idiot. "Fuck!" I shouted as I fell to the ground. I landed on my back and held my hands close my chest as dust flew around in the air.

"Shit, what the hell just happened?" Shinsou rushed over from the table he was leaning on.

I hissed as my hands were stinging. I opened my hands and saw that my skin was raw and the crescents in my palms were still obvious. Beads of red began to form where my nails were earlier.

Shinsou grabbed my wrist and pulled it towards him, "what the hell Midoriya?? Did you did your nails into your fucking hands?!"

I sat up and looked down at small amount of blood on my palms. "It's not that bad."

"Midoriya, you're bleeding now and why would you even try to do pull-ups after that. Why did you do that in the first place??"

"I'm not even bleeding that much and Kacchan was just pissing me off." I got up and walked over to my backpack. I grabbed my half-empty water bottle and poured some of it onto my palms. The cool water felt nice against my burning skin.

After twisting the lid on and setting it down, my eyes fell to the floor. Shinsou stood next to me with a worried look.

"Can I ask you something..?" I said after a moment of quiet.

"Of course."

"Do you think I could actually become a hero..? ....with a quirk like mine, I'm not sure I can really do it anymore. Kacchan's always telling me I can't,.. maybe he's right..."

"Stop. I know you can be a great hero. Bakugou is just a self-centered baby that'll throw a fit if he doesn't get what he wants. That's all he's doing, hell, he's probably just scared you'll beat him."

I laughed slightly at Shinsou calling him a baby. "But what he says makes sense.."

"Even if it does, which, no, it doesn't, you don't need to listen to him. And you definately shouldn't because I know you can prove him wrong."

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