43-Why, Izuku?

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As I walked down the street, my pocket was vibrating with my phone. I slowly take the device from my pocket, a cop car drives past me, and I look at the caller ID.

Shouto.. I knew he'd probably try to contact me soon but I didn't think he'd call just yet. It's only been just over an hour since I left the USJ.

I shut off the call but before I can get it back in my pocket, he calls again. He's not gonna give up, I sigh and answer the call, not saying a word.

"Izuku.." His voice mumbles through the speakers of my phone. "You there?"

I grunt quietly, letting him know that I was listening.

He sighs. "..tell me I'm dreaming.." he mumbles but I can hear him.

"I don't want to lie."

"Lie? You've been lying this whole time haven't you?!," he snaps, keeping his voice low though. "Aizawa saw you, and so did Kirishima and Bakugou, most of the class did. How could you just-"

"I don't care who knows. They all need to know that heroes aren't heroic, they won't help you if it's 'too dangerous' for them."

"So you're gonna show everyone that by betraying them? None of them deserve that Izu-"

"Why should they have the pleasure of never being betrayed?! I was betrayed. By my freaking idol no less. None of the heroes could save-"

"So?! You forgave Shinsou and I? And we definately didn't help in that-"

"Who ever said I forgave you two?," I spat. I did forgive them, I realize as the words are coming out of my mouth. Whatever, maybe I shouldn't have.

It was silent for a while, only a few distant voices came through on the other end of the line. "...you don't- you don't mean that.."

"Shut up. I do."

The phone shut off and I pulled it away from my ear. I shrugged it off and continued walking, this is fine, It'd probably be easier for him to say goodbye if he's mad at me.

Todoroki POV

I sat away from the crowd as my stomach twists, staring down at my phone. A few tears slip from my eyes, it's like my brain still isn't processing all that just happened, or maybe I just don't want to accept it.

One of my best friends turned on us all and is a traitor. He can't be.. the words keep repeating in my mind.

"Hey, half-n-half! You fucking knew about all this didn't you!?" I looked up as Bakugou walked over to me, he grabbed the coller of my shirt and pulled me to my feet.

I narrowed my eyes. "No, I didn't fucking know, he turned on me just like everyone else, 'kay? I'm not special just because I was closer to him than any of you were. Especially you, Bakugou."

"The hell's that supposed to mean, bastard?"

"Do you really have to ask?," I pushed him away from me. "You probably pushed him over the edge the most! He thinks that heroes are frauds, I think you fit that description the most, don't you!?"

"Hey, hey! Break it up!" Aizawa heard and came running over, bandages wrapped around his right arm and blood dried to his face. "What is this all about? Todoroki?," he looked to me first.

I scoffed and looked to the ground, "it's nothing, just an arguement."

"Just an arguement?!," Bakugou shouted. "You called me a fucking fraud, I'm working twice as fucking hard than any of you damn extras! I'll be the number fucking one hero, just watch!," he jumped at me but Aizawa held him back with his uninjured arm.

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