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Shigaraki said that we would be going to Hosu, where the Hero Killer's last murder was, and it would just be Kurogiri, him and I. So that's where we are.

It's nearing ten o'clock, the time that we're leaving, and we're all sitting in our hotel rooms that All For One hooked us up with.

My job, as Shigaraki had told me, would be to round people up from the ground and keep them from running away. It's simple and honestly a bit boring, but it'd be a hell of a lot more interesting than sitting in my room again.

Whenever ten just about rolled around, there was a knock at the door and I assumed that it would be Shigaraki. I menouvered off the bed and slumped over to the door. "Oh, hi, Kurogiri."

"Shigaraki and I are heading out, you should get to the streets before I bring in the Nomu's."

I nodded and turned back into the room to grab my phone and a mask to cover half of my face. I shut the door, which locked automatically, and left down the hall.

It's warm out tonight and the sky is already dark save for the lights in the tall buildings. There are lots of people out too, talking and having a good time as if nothing is wrong in the world. I pulled the strings of the mask over and around my ears and ajusted the fabric in front.

I wandered aimlessly down the street and began searching the rooftops to see if I could find Tomura and Kurogiri. I caught sight of them at a water tower not too far away just as I heard a scream, followed by many more.

My attention then turned to the people who were now running from around the corner. My eyes flashed red and as I made eye contact with the fleeing citizens, their fears became overwhelming to them.

I caught a teenage girl's wrist as she tried to run past me and pushed her back to the rest of the people. She whimpered as they all twisted their necks, wondering what to do or what was going on. "Where are the heroes?!," I heard someone shout.

The question was answered quickly as a fire errupted from one of the Nomu's thrashing around and several pro's were trying to tame it. Several shrill cries for help called but there was no answer.

I rolled my eyes as I watched them all panic, what am I even supposed to do. I could just attack them but I'm not a monster. I don't think so, at least.

"Kid! What the hell are you doing?," one of the adults shouted. I glanced to him, making him tremble.

"This is a statement, obviously. It has to be done, we are not about to be pushed away and forgotten."

"We don't even know who you are! Please..!"

"Can't you take a guess!," I shouted. "We're bad guys, but we're not evil and cruel! We're just people!"

"What do you call this??"

I ignored the citizen as something else caught my eye, a white blur rushing into an alleyway. My eyes went black as I looked back to the shaking civilians,. "All of you," I started then just rolled my eyes as I ran through them. "Do whatever.

I followed where the blur had gone and climbed up to the rooftops when I started to hear voices. I looked over the edge of the building I was on to see the people.

"--he was my brother! You attacked him! You're gonna pay for-"

Iida.. Well then, this is interesting.

"Will you ever shut up, kid. I only kill those who are unworthy of the title 'hero' and I'd fight anyone who dares appose me."

This is Stain, isn't it, I narrowed my eyes, realizing I agreed with his veiwpoint.

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