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Momma sat opposite of me, hugging the other end of the couch as we watched the news reporter.

"We are live on the scene where a sting operation is taking place." The woman in the helicopter said. "Heros from all over globe, Including All Might and Endeavor, have come here to stop these wanted villains."

The camera panned out, showing the scene below them. A large group of villains and hero's were gathered, battling each other. Some of them dropped to the ground and stopped moving from both sides.

I spotted dad and jumped up, pointing and smiling. "Momma, look! Dad's there! See how strong he is?"

I looked over and my smile fell as I saw her chewing her lip, staring intensely at the screen.

"It appears that the fight is moving down Lustreburg street, let's hope they don't get into a largely populated area."

I stepped over and held mommacs hand. "It's alright Momma,... don't worry."

I turned back around to watch the screen and climbed onto the sofa again.

It looked like most of the heros were being overpowered or reluctantly fighting someone whose quirk counteracts their own. Dad was able to take down the villain he was fighting and put him in handcuffs pretty quickly.

A dark figure came from the shadows and traveled around the group, seemingly unnoticed by the hero's. The villains started to push them down faster and pull back, retreating.

"It appears that the villains are attempting to leave the scene and our heros are recovering." The reporter on the scene announced.

A blue light lit up the area as screams filled the scene. The screen turned to static and all sound cut out out.

Momma and I were frozen, staring with wide eyes.

After a moment, I turned to her, tears running down our faces, "Momma, what happened..? ....Where did dad go..? Why is the tv not working? Momma?"

She shook her head, covering her mouth with her hand. She stared at the tv not even looking at me. The sound of the static filled the room as I stared at her teary face, waiting for an answer.


She got up, her phone flying off the coffee table and into her hand. She rushed around the couch and started heading out the door.

"Momma, where are you going?" I hopped off the couch and stepped slowly behind her.

"Stay here, I'm going to find out if dad's ok." Then she left and shut the door.

I turned and looked back at the tv, then at the door and all around our small house. I don't know what I'm looking for, I just felt so suddenly alone.

Why did Momma leave..?

I walked over and turned off the tv, tired of the scrambled sound. I held my arms around my stomach as I walked around, waiting for momma, for dad, for anything.

I went into my bedroom, and climbed onto my bed, grabbing my blue stuffed bear and held it close to me. I walked back out into the living room, hugging the bear tight and looking out the front window.

I couldn't see Momma anywhere, the street was dark, only the light in windows across the road were illuminating the area.

I turned around and sat down, my back against the wall. The house seamed much bigger when it's just me, I hope momma will come back soon..

I looked around again, slightly overwhelmed. My tears kept falling as I sat in the silence.

My eyes landed on the phone mounted on the wall in the kitchen and I stood up, slowly walking over there. I pulled a chair from the table to the wall and climbed on top of it.

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