12-Study Session

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When the weekend rolled around, our tests were the next Tuesday, Todoroki was meeting Shinsou at his house and I decided to tag along. I had no other plans for the weekednd and I was sure I could help out with their studying too.

We walked in sync down the sidewalk after our Friday classes and Shinsou warned us about his parents being weird--nothing more than the average 'ugh my parents are embarrassing.' Where a conversation arguing about whose parents were more embarrassing would normally spark up, a silence fell.

The walk was quiet, and only slightly uncomfortable. We had all realized days ago that none of us were 100% amazingly fantabulous with words so if a conversation didn't happen then we knew we would just sit quietly in each others company.

It didn't take long for us to turn down the sidewalk and walk through the front door of his house. It was a small home with faded wood along the outside and a few chairs on the front porch. It was nice, oddly similar to my home before we moved to the "rich people" part of town and it made me miss those days.

I remember momma always said she liked the small-town area because she could live close to her friend. She and Mrs Bakugou were hanging out a lot and it was a time when Kacchan and I were close friends, he wasn't a total jerk and I felt comfortable around him like I do with Shinsou and Todoroki now. Dad would talk to me and smile more, he was friendly and caring, he still loved money but he wasn't selfish about it back then. My room used to be small, the walls were always hugging me, now the large rooms of my house leave me cold.

I liked walking through the doorway of the small house, it felt more like a home than my own. I tried not to think about that though as two adults walked around the corner and my eyes fell on them.

"Hey, Hitoshi, are these your friends?" A woman with pale blue, almost white, hair and light mascara--I'm asuming his mother--smiled as she leaned on the wall and glanced at Todoroki and I.

"Yeah, we're just gonna go to my room and study for our test next week."

I smiled at the two of them politely as Shinsou started walking to the right, towards a short hallway. "Not so fast," his dad smiled and held him back, wrapping his arm around him and ruffling his hair. "Aren't you going to introduce us?" The man with dark purple hair asked, raising an eyebrow.

He groaned, practically falling limp over his fathers arm. "Do I have to.."

He huffed, still smiling softly. "Stand up.." Shinsou did as told and his dad turned to us, offering his hand. "I'm that ball of depression's father, just call me Mr Shinsou or whatever works for you."

I shook his hand and smiled, "Izuku Midoriya."

Todoroki took his hand next and intoduced himself before his mother walked over and we did basically the same thing. They joked for a moment, saying they didn't expect him to bring friends over so early in the school year, or at all really.  We talked for a minute after that, I could she Shinsou silently dying in the hallway as he waited for the quick conversation to be over.

Finally, they let us go and we followed Shinsou to the back room. He groaned as he flopped onto his bed and threw his backpack down, covering his face as he did so. "I'm sorry about that.."

Todoroki shook his head. "Better than what my father would've done." He said monotonously.

"Same." I set my bag down and sat next to him on the edge of the bed.

Shinsou sighed as he sat up and leaned on his hand. "They probably don't realize you're here to help dull the stupid in my brain."

"Speaking of," Todoroki pulled out an algebra workbook from his backpack and smirked softly.

"Ugh, right. Please explain, math gods." He whined like he was desperately praying to us.

And with that we got to work. He made a few mistakes over and over, but once Todoroki and I caught on to where the slip-ups were happening, we were able to help him fix it. After several practice problems he started to understand the subject pretty well.

After about an hour, he tossed his pencil down and we looked up at him. ''Can we take a break? It feels like my hand is about to fall off." Shinsou said, rubing his thimb on his hand where the pencil rested.

"Don't press down so hard," I laughed, looking at the dark graphite practically ripping his paper in half.

"I can't."

"Why not," Todoroki laughed too. "You could build the empite state building in those crevices."

"It just doesn't feel natural!" He laughed as he looked down at the red mark on his hand between his thumb and forefinger.

"Alright, just break your hand then." I sighed with a smile.

After that, it was surprisingly late and his mother stepped in asking if we wanted to stay for dinner. That's what happened about thirty minutes later, we put away all our books and notes and just hung out for a little while.

Our stay just seemed to extend as dinner went on. Mrs Shinsou was very kind and offered us to stay the night, Todoroki and I rambled breifly about not wanting to overstay our welcome but she insisted.

"Mom, you're not even going to ask me?? They're my friends, besides I'm sure they need to go home soon anyway." Shinsou said after.

"You don't want them to stay?"

"I didn't say that, it's just that this was only meant to be a study session."

"I'm fine with it, if you are." Todoroki said.

"I don't have a problem with it.." Shinsou said before turning to me.

"I can stay over, I guess." Sleepovers aren't something I've ever participated in before, but I don't think I will enjoy the enevitable of people questioning my sleeping problem.

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