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When I awoke, I was alone in a cold room, leaning on a metal table. When I could remember all that happened before passing out, I jerked my head up, finding my hands in cuffs and four walls surrounding me.

"Fuck,.." I mumbled, staring at my reflection, one way glass.

I sighed and gritted my teeth, staring back at the table where my wrists were bound. Even if I manage to get out of these cuffs, I don't know who's behind the glass or where Dabi and Twice are.. I furrowed my brows, this is a fucking mess.

The door opened, I didn't bother to look to see who had walked in. He took a deep breath and sat in front of me, "Hey.."

I was silent.

"Answer my questions.." he said, a short pause quickly following. "We captured you, Dabi, and Twice. Do you know the whereabouts of other members of the League of Villains?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of the one's I had most contact with, they're dead."

"Who's dead and how?"

"Ugh, Toga, Shigaraki, and All For One. I killed them."


I slammed my fists down, finally meeting the eyes of my interrogator, "It's fucking person-.. al.. Bakugou..?"

"You don't know where the rest of-"

"No. Bakugou, what the hell are you doing here? Is everyone just trying to mess with me, bringing back an old school-bully? Is that it?!"

"Where is the villain Kurogiri?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't be in here! Now tell me what you're doing here!?" I kicked the chair back as I got to my feet, yelling at him.

He got to his feet as well, though, he clearly wasn't leaning down with his hands cuffed to the table. "You're a real mystery to everyone who knew you. Ya know that..?," he mumbled.

I would cross my arms but there was only the clinking of the chain at my wrists. "So? What does that have to do with anything? I don't care if any of you heroes understand me or not," I spat.

He scoffed. "It doesn't matter if you want to be understood or not. You owe us all an explanation. You can't just disappear out of nowhere and never be seen again, there are people out there that still care about you."

"Could everyone just STOP trying to 'get through to me'??! All this sappy bullshit won't do a damn thing but make me angrier, ass!"

"Could you just shut up and be any less selfish right now?!"

"Look who's talking Mr. Center of attention crybaby."

"Unlike you Midoriya, I've realized my own flaws and worked to improve them. All you've ever done is run away from your problems."

I scoffed, "I won't buy that for a second, you're just as self-centered as ever."

"I may be, but at least I can admit-" he paused, listening to someone in his earpiece. "You can deal with it on your own," he told them.

He furrowed my brows as I sat down again. "Out of curiosity," I started, looking off to the side. "Whatever happened with the others from UA..?"

He looked back at me, slightly confused before he sighed. "Todoroki probably told you this one already, but Shinsou commited suicide.."

My face twisted, I didn't want to hear that one again.

"The class pres. is doing well, climbing the hero rankings even though we only graduated a couple months ago. Kaminari's a good sidekick.. Kirishima and I are together now, that dumbass," he managed a smile, even in this situation.

"Not surprised," I mumbled, rolling my eyes, I'm sure he didn't hear me though. "You're all doing well then? That's annoying.."

He grunted. "Annoying, how-?"

The door was thrown open, getting our attention. A red light illuminated the hallway as several shouts filled the air.

"Ground Zero, we need your help! The other two are trying to escape, we think it's-"

I cut him off, standing, "Kurogiri."

Bakugou gritted his teeth before running out of the room, leaving the door open.

I made my eyes go black, before pulling my wrists apart, breaking the chain that bound them. Walking over to the door calmly, I looked out into the hall, seeing no-one in sight but plenty of voices were yelling, trying to gain order.

"Midoriya," I turned, hearing my name.

I sighed, releived to see that it was only Kurogiri. "Where have you been all night?"

"You got yourselves caught."

I rolled my eyes, "are you going to get us out of here or not?"

"I planned to, yes," he opened a portal before disappearing.

I stepped forward as my arm was pulled back. "Izuku.." Shouto held my wrist, his shirt half-burnt. "Don't go, you'll only make this harder on yourself if you do."

I pulled my arm away and glared, "this reunion has been touching and all, but I think I'll be going. Bye now."

I stepped back before turning and walking toward the purple smoke.

"Izuku stop! You have to stop this! I know your life sucked but you can't keep going on like this!!," he snapped suddenly.

I looked over my shoulder, "I don't care what you have to say, Shouto." I looked away, "and I don't care what happens after."

"Stop him Furizaban! We can't let him get away!," a voice yelled.

"Tsk. I'm sorry,.."

I turned as my eyes widened. I tried to breathe but only coughed up blood. It's so cold, but my blood is.. warm.

I brought my hand to my abdomen but touch ice first. Blood trailed down my torso, quickly staining my clothes, ice pinned through my chest, my toes not even touching the ground anymore.

I winced, trying to push myself from the end of the skewer only to have my hands slip.

I clenched my jaw, as I built the strength to lifty head. "Shou.. to..."

The portal behind me closed as my eyelids felt heavy. I let go of a deep breath before my arms fell limp.

The ice melted away as Shouto dropped to my side, cradling me in his arms. I looked up to his scarred face as tears slipped from the corner of my eyes.

"I'm sor- I'm sorry, Shouto.." I started mumbling apologies. "I'm so so sorry," I can't think of anything else to say as I'm lying on the cold floor.

This hurts so much, my chest, the blood, the harsh tempeture of the ice. It's so painful too, to look up at a lost friend as I bleed out.

"You don't have to apologize," he pushed some of my hair from my face. "I never gave up on you."

I bit my lip, trying not to cry more after hearing that. I thought again to when I first heard that the League was the ones responsible for my families deaths. "I- I should never have joined them. -I was manipulated-.. I'm so sorry!"

"Ssh. Don't be sorry, just close your eyes, think about when Hitoshi and us spent lunch together. And when we first met. Think about Ayuka, your friends, how much Hitoshi and I care about you.. It'll be okay Izuku..."

I just closed my eyes and listened to his voice and all the things he told me. I whimpered as my wound continued to bleed and just let my tears flow.

He held my hand as his voice stopped after listing several more memories for me to focus on. I heard a shaky breath pass his lips as my thoughts ended and were replaced with nothing.

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