5-Scared of me

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I looked at the time on my phone as I was laying in bed, it's six fifteen in the morning. I yawned as I stretched out my arms above my head.

I pulled the blanket off of my legs and sat up. I might as well get ready for school, I thought. I walked over to my closet, my socks silent on the sleek wood floor.

I pulled out the black school uniform and slipped off my sleeping shirt. The sun started to rise and shine through the lightly colored drapes as I got dressed.

I pulled my backpack off the hook on my wall and pulled the straps over my shoulders. I found my shoes back in their place in the floor of my closet, pulling them on and tieing their laces.

Then I headed downstairs to take my medicines and leave the house. The school year is almost over then I can try out for UA, I don't know if I'll be able to get in but I'm still trying.

I still want to be a hero after all that's happened, though I am starting to question whether they're all that good or not. My father was a great hero long before people knew his name worldwide, he cared about keeping people safe and getting home to his family; he still saves a lot of people but he's become obsessed with the reward and having money in his pocket. I've heard some bad rumors about Endeavor too, but I don't know if they're true. Hero's these days just seem to be more and more corrupt, looking for fame or money.

I put the thoughts behind me, knowing I would never care about the money, I just want to be able to help others. I walked slowly, knowing I'd be half an hour early if I went much faster. I just let the chilly wind brush past my face as I strode to this prison they call a school.

I couldn't wait to be doing more with my life, everything I did just bored the shit out of me. I don't know how much longer I could handle this, all the nervous glances my way, every routine day passing by, nothing ever changes. Everyone fears me,... and there's nothing I can do about it.

I walked into the school and tried smiling at the few students that were already here, their eyes just darted around away from mine. Most people at this school already know what my quirk is and are afraid of me for it. The worst part is no-one realizes that I would get nothing out of scaring them for no reason.

I rolled my eyes and quickly made my way to my first class, not even the teacher was there but I didn't care, I just went to the back of the room to my seat.

I layed my head on my arms and felt my eyelids become heavy. I kept blinking, trying not to fall asleep. I didn't trust I could stay awake like this so I sat up slowly waiting for the first bell to ring and the class to pile in.

A few minutes later and thats exactly what happened, no-one spared a glance my direction as usual and the teacher strolled in seconds after.

The teacher started talking, trying to get the class to quiet down and my eyes drifted over to the window. I found myself figiting with the brittle chain around my wrist as I watched the wind blow through the trees. I twisted the small gem around in my fingers and tuned out the voice of my annoying teacher.

The entire class started cheering and got loud and, I turned my attention back to the front of the room. Everyone was showing off their quirks as the teacher went on about how difficult becoming a hero is.

"I don't care about any of that, I'm gonna be the first and only person from this shitty school to get into UA!" Kacchan laughed with his feet on the desk after the teacher pointed out that he wanted to go there.

"Yeah yeah.. Watch you language." He looked back down to the paper in his hands. "Oh Midoriya.. Didn't you want to go to UA too?"

Everyones cheer haulted and their bodies stiffened. Kacchan was the only person to turn around, glaring angrily.

"Deku.." He growled. "Why the hell are you trying to surpass me?!" He yelled, pushing his desk out of the way as he stood up.

"I'm not, Kacchan. I just wan't to be a hero." My voice was even and borish as he stepped closer to me. Everyone's eyes were on him and the teacher had left the room moments earlier.

"Yeah right, you damn nerd! You know you'll never be able to get in, your quirk isn't strong enough."

The bell rang and most of the class hurried out, they don't really care what happens when they leave the room. Only Kacchan and a few of his friends stood in front of me.

"I can try! Why are you always so quick to push me down anyways?" I shouted, annoyed with his constant shouting.

"Because you never give up even though it's obvious you'll never be a hero! You scare people, you can never save them!" He pushed my back against the wall, holding the front of my shirt.

I grabbed his forearm, staring into his eyes as he stared into mine. "So why aren't you scared of me? It would only take the blink of an eye to have you running away screaming or in tears right now."

He gritted his teeth and leaned closer to mutter in my ear. "Because you're a coward. You won't do it."

He pulled away with a grin, letting go of me. He walked back to his seat and grabbed his bag as I picked up my own. "Oh and Deku," he stopped as he was walking out the door. "You could just take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a better quirk in you next life." He smirked and he and his friends laughed as they walked out into the hall.

I balled my hands into fists then turned to go home.

I walked past the koi pond and all the fish swam away, several birds flew off of the sidewalk as I came closer. Even animals are afraid of me.

I sighed as I walked home alone, I went the long way just to take in the fresh air and stay outside longer. I've hated my house from the moment we first moved in there, I'd do whatever I could to delay walking through that front door.

I started muttering to myself, thinking about what Kacchan said. It angered me because he knew what happened to Momma. He was there when I found out and yet he still told me to go kill myself. I've started to dislike him more and more over the years because he just won't stop telling me how bad of a person I am.

A strange rattling noise cought my attention and I sropped in my tracks, standing under a bridge. When I turned around, my eyes landed on the manhole cover being pushed out of place and shoved aside.

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