10-Better Than Kacchan

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Todoroki and I waved to Shinsou as we parted ways and headed back to our separate classes.

"Alright, like I said before lunch, everybody hurry up in th locker rooms and come out to the feild quickly." Aizawa said before we all headed downstairs.

When we all got changed, we headed down to the feild where Aizawa was already waiting for us. While we waited for a few of the students, Todoroki and I, along with a few of the others waiting started talking amongst ourselves; Kaminari and Sero took the longest and were scolded breifly by Aizawa for taking about five minutes longer than the rest of us.

"Alright, now that we're all here. Bakugou, could you come here for a minute." Kacchan stepped forward and looked up at Aizawa. "Tell me, how far was your softball throw in middle school?"

"67 meters, I think."

"Try doing it with your quirk," he tossed a softball to him and he caught it easily. Kacchan instantly smirked and walked over to the circle.

The class was silent as he streched his arms before winding his arm back. A large explosion went off, sending the ball flying and, leaving everyone with wide eyes.

As the ball touched down in the distance, Aizawa showed us the meter he held in his hand. '705.2 m'

"No-one will be able to even come close to my score!" Kacchan exclaimed proudly, everyone ignored him--already getting used to his shit--and kept their eyes on Aizawa.

"You've never been able to use your quirks in any other phisical exams... Forget that. Show me that you know how to use your quirk to your advantage.. The person who comes in last place will be expelled immediately." I could tell most of the class was holding their breath at this point.

The next students who went up were able to throw it several hundreds of meters down the line but still not near Kacchan's score.

After Sero slingshotted the ball about four hundred meters, I stepped forward and was handed a ball for myself. My eyes passed over Kacchan as I stood in the circle, he held his confident grin as he glared directly at me.

Silence filled the air as I took a breath, eyes closed. I looked up as I exhaled deeply and saw the stretch of dirt before me. It was daunting, Kacchan's confidence only built more anxiety about this single throw.

I stretched both arms above my head, listening to my slow breathing. My eyes narrowed as I took one last long breath and pulled my arm back. I swung my arm forward and let the ball slip from my fingers.

With the amount of force I used, I only expected it to go about 65 meters, 70 if I was lucky, and my eyes widened as I watched ball go much, much further than that. My jaw dropped as the ball seemed to take an eternity to land.

The meter Aizawa held made a beep and even he seemed shocked by the outcome. 714.6m??!

I looked to my classmates and several of them held a similar expression to my own, jaws dropped and eyes wide. I huffed slightly, I was amazed, but completely confused. How the hell did that happen?!

And like an echo, Kacchan ran forward, sparks at his palms asking just the same thing. "Damn Deku, what the hell was that?! Your quirk isn't physical so tell me how the hell you did that!"

I stared at him borishly as he came closer, I was prepared to use my quirk before Aizawa quickly stopped him from moving any further. "Bakugou, learn to control your anger.. It can be a great strength, but also a powerful weakness, you were blind to my attack, don't let it get the better of you."

Kacchan gritted his teeth, staring at me as the scarfs around him loosened. He glared for another minute and muttered an insult under his breath  before he turned and stormed off, back to the group of students.

I looked down at my hand, biting my lower lip as I slowly followed him. I couldn't figure it out, I definately threw it much further than I could on any normal day, but I couldn't figure out what was different. I beat Kacchan's score by ten meters and he's right, my quirk isn't physical. So why? I can't find a logical explanation.

"How did you do that?" Todoroki asked quietly as I was standing next to him again and the next student stepped forward.

"I... don't know.." I kept thinking about it as the rest of the students did the same test.

The strange occurance didn't just stop there either, throughout the day, my scores seemed to go just above Kacchan's. He only became more and more pissed as the day went on, I shrugged him off but continued to wonder gow it was happening.

At the end of the day, I eneded up in third, right behind Todoroki and the girl named Yaoyorozu. Kacchan was acting like a baby as he sat in fourth only because he was behind me; I'm sure he would've been fine if the order was arranged litterally any other way.

"Mineta, that means you're going home." The short purple kid started crying as he fell to the knees, I honestly couldn't care less.

Aizawa went over how difficult the year would be for us before he sent us back to the classroom for the last little bit of school.

"So you really don't know how you passed all those tests?" Todoroki asked quietly as we sat near the back of the room.

"Honestly, no. I was freaking out before all that because my quirk doesn't have any physical capabilities.."

"You must've had some idea, have you ever done anything like that before?"

"Obviously not.. I don't have a clue how it happened."

He looked at me thoughtfully for a moment as I looked down at my shoes. After a moment, I pulled one knee to my chest and sighed as I looked over to him. "I really don't know Todo-"

"Wait, your eyes are green?" He was suddenly looking at me intensely.

"Uh, yeah??"

He furrowed his eyebrows, "I could've sworn they were brown earlier," his eyes fell to the left as he thought. "But now that I think about it, they were definately green at lunch.."

A silence fell between us as I looked at his focused expression. My eyes were brown?

I can't tell when my eyes change from green to red but I know they have when I'm using my quirk. It's kind of like clapping with headphones on, I could see it happen but couldn't hear the noise. Maybe there's another aspect to my quirk I didn't know about,.. like I just figured out how to clap behind my back.

"It's definately weird.." I mumbled to myself.

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