30-A Conclusion

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What do I do now..? I thought as I layed on my bed with my arms behind my head. Silence filled the room, faint moonlight shone through the curtains against the pitch-black sky.

After so much thinking, I still haven't come to a conclusion. Shigaraki and the others are villains, yet I find myself wanting to join them. I'm supposed to be against it, villainy is wrong, but it just doesn't matter as much as I think it should anymore.

What have heroes every really done for me. Almost nothing.

Momma died--not only that, she killed herself--because of dad's hero work. I can't forgive that, and now Ayuka and Kana, my sister and step mother, are gone because heroes were too cowardly to do anything.

I sat up and groaned, leaning back on my hands. Staring at the wall I realize I've thought it over a million times and came to the same conclusion every time, I just wouldn't accept it.

I took the blanket from over my legs and threw it off of me, striding the short distance to my closet door. Inside, I pulled a gray duffle bag from the top shelf and began to pull shirts from the hangers and throwing them haphazardly into the bag. I placed the bag on my bed and continued to collect and pile in more clothes, pants, socks, undegarmets. I pulled on a black fleecey jacket then grabbed a pair of combat boots from the closet floor and laced them up.

I grabbed my phone and pulled the charger from the wall, shoving both into a pocket on the bag, before heading into the hall. I quietly shut the door as I heard the low hum of the television downstairs.

I headed toward the front door and cought a glimps of the living room on the way. My father was passed out with a can of alcohol in his hand and several on the floor, the light of the TV illuminating the scene. He had not even changed from his hero costume before chugging down his first beer of the night.

I left into the midnight air and let the door click into place behind me as I headed down the center of the quiet road.

Thinking it over once again I became frustrated but never once looked back. I told myself I am not a hero, and I never will be. Then the path was clear and easy to follow, I wasn't afraid or second guessing myself. I will win.

(sorry this is rlly fuckin short but I needed this chapter to happen ¯\_(⊙_ʖ⊙)_/¯)

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