22-Pissing Off Bakugou Is Fun

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"You'll be split into teams of two at random," All Might said as we all gathered in front of him. "Playing as heroes and villains, you'll strategize to protect or take a fake weapon."

(You know how this goes, the teams are different though)


"You're Kaminari, right?", I walked over to the blond with a wave.

He grinned and waved back, "yup, that's me! We're going against Kirishima and that Bakugou right? Do you have any idea's?"

I looked to the side, hand on my chin. "Well, Bakugou hates me down to his core so he's gonna want to attack me first."

"Yeah, I kinda got that the other day.." He laughed awkwardly. "Anyway, I'm pretty sure Kirishima's quirk can defend against my electricity, but I'm not sure whose quirk is stronger out of Bakugou and I."

"I've known Bakugou since we were kids. He's got a pretty good understanding of his quirk and abilities and I know how he fights."

I lifted my head and turned back to him, "I've got a plan, but it might be a risk."

"Let's hear it."


With Kaminari in the room with our 'weapon', I kept a look out for Bakugou and Kirishima as I walked the halls.

"Deku.. I'm not afraid of you, I've learned some new tricks so you wont be able to stop me."

I smirked, we'll just have to see whose trick is better now won't we.

It's too quiet right now, I thought as I stopped with my hands on my hips. I looked down both end of the hallway and saw nothing. I sighed, "I thought he would've at least found me by now.. Is he just that slow." I crossed my arms, "or is he actually afraid of me?" I smiled to myself.

"The hell are you saying, fuckin' deku!?" Bakugou jumped around the corner pulling back his right fist.

"Bakugou! Wai-" Kirishima came only a second after him.

"Hm, predictable as always, Kacchan." I dodged his fist and used his weight against him, throwing him over my shoulder.

"Bakugou, you idiot!", Kirishima ran over and kicked the back of my legs, making me kneel over.

I turned and glared up at him, with red eyes, as he pulled out the capture tape All Might gave us all. I jumped up and twisted around, kicking him in the side before he activated his quirk.

"Damn Shitty-hair, get out of my way!!" Bakugou came running with sparks in his hands.

I jumped back to dodge him but he changed directions quickly and pushed me to the wall. I brought my knee up and hit him in the abdomen, swatting his hand away before he hit me with an explosion. I pushed him off me and into Kirishima, who was practically shaking, and they both fell to the ground.

"I've learned some new tricks, moron, you won't beat me," I said, watching as he held his head in pain.

He growled as he jumped to his feet with unnatural speed and a glowing power. I was just barely fast enough to avoid an attack but as I regained my balance, another one was coming.

Bakugou punched my chest, sending me tumbling down the hall with a small explosion. That blast definately shouldn't have been strong enough to send me this far, I thought as I stood up, clutching at my shirt.

"Quit standin' around and find the bomb Shitty-hair! This is my fight!" He growled and the redhead turned in the other direction.

My eyes widened. Dammit, his quirk could make him invulnerable to Kaminari's attacks! This is bad, Bakugou definately won't give me an opening and I still haven't figured out how to apply my quirk. Bakugou's just fighting dispite his fears, it's so infuriating.

As Kirishima was almost out of sight, my panic kicked in and I jumped up, hurtling several yards, punching Bakugou to the ground and tackling Kirishima from behind before he could even turn around. "Ah- the hell?!" Kirishima shouted as I planted my knee in his back.

I pulled out the capture tape, but was pushed off of the redhead by Bakugou as he yelled. "For the last time, get out of here before I kill you, Shitty-hair!"

I kicked Bakugou off me and as he regained balance headed for Kirishima again. Before I got to him, a huge explosion pushed me off balance and he rushed down the hall.

I looked up and saw that, one, Kirishima got away and, two, Bakugou's explosion destroyed the hallway and the wall at the end of it. I gritted my teeth as I got back to my feet and glared at Bakugou over my shoulder. "Ya know, you're really startin' to piss me off.."

He held his arm out, panting, and an angry expression engraved on his face. "I didn't think I'd have to use my gauntlets on a weakling like you, but it sure was fun," his grimace turned into a sinister grin.

His gauntlets? "You've gotta be kidding me,.." I mumbled as I realized what they were for. Bakugou was, admittedly, smart, he's not one to put something so bulky on his costume that might slow him down without a purpose.

"Stop your muttering, damn nerd, I'm gonna kill you!", Bakugou yelled as he fired small blasts in his hands, charging forward.

I rolled my eyes and dodged, grabbing his arm and pushing him past me. While he was off balance, I kicked him to the ground. "Sorry, am I annoying you?", I teased. "I didn't mean to," I threw a punch toward his face but he blocked it.

He got back to his feet and from there our fight was pretty evenly matched. We attacked and dodged but something was different. He had fought me a few times in the past, but his attacks were never so strong or fast.

He threw me into the wall and ran up with his hand pulled back, ready to punch. I jumped to the side as an explosion hit the wall. "Dammit, Deku! What the hell?!" He was furious, physically shaking with anger, his chest rising and falling as he huffed. His left gauntlet glowed red and his prideful grin returned. "That's it,.." He growled. "Die."

My heart pounded as he lifted his arm and braced himself, ready to pull the pin.

I jumped forward, and before he could move I held his shoulder with my left hand and gripped the edge of the gauntlet with my right. Within a second I ripped the weapon off, watching as the metal frayed and hit the floor.

Once Bakugou caught up, he pushed me away and held his wrist. "What the hell!? You nearly ripped my fucking arm off! And you destroyed my damn gauntlet!"

"Heh, so?" I got back my feet and pulled my fist back. He gasped and looked genuinly terrified.

"Kirishima got to the fake weapon! Congratulations, students! That was an amazing example for the rest of us! Though you may have gotten a bit carried away.." All Might's voice boomed over the speakers.

I scoffed and lowered my hand, "dammit. We lost." I turned away with a smile and started walking away.

"Hey, wait a minute, you bastard!" Bakugou grabbed my shoulder and pushed me against the wall. "What the hell was that!?", his voice sounded more desperate than angry.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I smiled, pissing him off on purpose.

"What are you smiling for, we won."

"Heh," I huffed in amusement, "I know you, Kacchan." I used his old nickname again to further infuriate him. "You'd rather lose than win how you just did. Ha, actually, you barely did anything; it was your dumb boyfriend with the red hair that won this for you."

"Shut the hell up! Tell me how you did that, your eyes went black, and you were a lot st-" he cut himself short.

"Hm, what? Can't compliment me? Say I'm stronger than you?" I hit his arm, barely, and he pulled away in pain. "You should go to the nurse, grandma can give ya a kiss, make you feel better." I walked away and headed to meet up with Kaminari.

A/N: its really fun to have deku mocking Bakugou like this, hence the title. Hope you like the chapter, srry its been a while.

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