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(Sorry this went a little filler for a hot minute and sorry bout the title lmao)

-one week later-

A text from an unknown number came through on Todoroki's cell phone. There were many more before it but he hadn't been able to see them until today. They all said the same thing anyway.

Unknown: are you okay?

Shouto: who is this?

Shouto: hello?

Unknown: I assume you're okay now since you're answering

Shouto: I'll live. It'll scar badly though.

Todoroki assumed this person was referring to the nomu's bite.

Unknown: Ok, bye

I put my phone in my sweater pocket.

That night at the hospital I wasn't able to see Shouto, not up close at least.

I remember that the doctors couldn't put him under anesthetics for a while, his screams held so much pain. It was all a blur for a while as I watched him surrounded by doctors and nurses. Eceryone was just panicked, trying to hold him still and the white lights made everything hazy, plus I was begind a sheen of glass. Every once and I while I had caught a glimps of his arm or a bloody tool.

I stood there for so long, not sure what to do or what to think.

After some time had passed, Shigaraki found me and tore me away from the situation. I didn't fight him much about it to not cause a scene and get out of there easily. I had enough of watching that anyway.

Then we came back here and I just had to live with the worry.

On the other hand though, Shigaraki was content that our plan made the front page of the newspaper and the Hero Killer's murder was further inside. It was also all over the news and nothing about the other villain, on the channel he had on at least.

I also haven't been able to talk to Dabi about all that's happened, I haven't seen him since we got back. I'm sure he knows about Shouto at this point though, it's practically all over the news, after all that happened that night.

I couldn't figure out what to do, so that's why I'm here, at the store. I stood still, looking through the different products. It felt stupid that I was here and I wondered if I'd actually buy anything, it's the typical 'three a.m. mental breakdown' thing that everyone does.

After thinking it over for another minute, I siad 'fuck it' and grabbed a box, going up to the register.

"Hair dye?," the cashier asked as I set it in from of him. "Mental breakdown time, or you just want a change?"

"A little bit of both." I looked up and was surprised to see a slightly familiar face. I looked at his nametag and recognized it imediately, "Kazuo? What are you doing here?"

He looked up, probably just now able to see my face fully, I had my hood pulled over my head. "Oh, it's you. Haha, I remember."

I nodded and looked around a bit, now awkward. "Since when do you work here? I've been in here before."

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