28-Back To School

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The next time I went to school, I was pissed. To keep myself from snapping at every little thing that annoyed me, I settled for a resting-bitch-face.

I glared harshly at anyone that dared come near me, including Todoroki and Shinsou. When All Might showed up to class, my hands were trembling, trying not to snap my pencil in half.

Everyone quickly came to realize I wanted nothing to do with anyone. That didn't stop their curious or worried glances my way, though I still ignored them.

Class went by quickly but I didn't really pay attention.

When the lunch bell rang, I didn't care to get up immediately. I gripped my fists under my desk and slouched against my chair, a strong frown still pressed into my expression. As the room cleared up, I felt a hand on my shoulder, getting on my last of nerves.

"Midoriya," I recognised the voice as Todoroki's. "Shinsou and I know you need your space right now, just- know you can always talk to us." The monotonous tone ever-present in his voice is only pissing me off more.

I rolled my shoulder, brushing of his hand, and pushed my chair back as I got up. I turned and pointed an accusatory finger in his direction. "I don't want to talk to you," I hissed. "And I definately- definately don't want to talk to Shinsou!"

I think with the vigor in my tone and the shock on his usually blank face, he finally realized just how upset I really was. I was mourning, sure, absolutely, she was my baby sister after all, but I was also completely infuriated at Shinsou and him.

I threw my chair back into its place under the desk and stormed out of the room, though I heard his footsteps behind me. As I was in the door frame, he caught my arm in his hand.

"Wait- Midoriya," he sounded desperate and ridiculous. "Why are you mad at us? We didn't-"

I turned and snapped at him again, ripping my arm from his grasp. "Don't you dare say that you didn't do anything!" I yelled at him. "Don't you dare do that to me!!," I repeated, making myself clear. It felt like I needed to cry in that moment, but my tears had run dry I had been crying to much lately.

"Izuku Midoriya, please come down to the front office." The speaked in the hallway sounded with the voice of an office attendant.

I took a heavy breath and glared at him for a moment more with eyes of a hawk before I turned down the hall angrily. When my eyes met Shinsou, coming this way from 1-C, I swear I would explode.

"Hey, man.." His voice came quietly, with pitty.

I shoved him aside, I heard his bookbag hit the wall as I passed him, and continued walking. I did not even want to waste a single breath on him right now.

With my hands now shoved into my pockets, I headed down to the office.

When I got there, the receptionist directed me to the principals office. Opening the door, I instantly noticed All Might stood behind the desk next to Nezu.

Trying, and failing, to avoid sounding disrespectful I stepped into the room with a slight glare and asked, "What is this all about? What is he doing here?" My question directed to All Might, along with my glare.

"Please take a seat," Nezu gestured with his usual pitched voice.

I did as told but couldn't help my angry glances toward the number one hero.

"Now," Nezu sighed, but I inturrupted him.

"Hang on," I said, annoyed. "I asked what this is about? Does he have to be here."

Nezu's brows pushed together. "It's- just All Might." He said, confused.

"Nezu, let me talk to him for a second," he said then turned back to me. "It's clear that.. you're angry with me, and as your teacher, I feel that I should tell you- heroes can't always save everyone.. I know that you're blaming me, it's written all over your face.."

My jaw dropped and I furrowed my eyebrows, "of course I'm blaming you!" I jumped out of my chair. "You're the number one hero! You were supposed to save her!"

He sighed, "Midoriya please, try to understand.."

"I understand perfectly! You let her die when you had the chance to do something!!"

Nezu then stepped in just before All Might spoke again, "Alright, calm down please. We are not here to discuss that."

"Right,.." All Might crossed his arms and stepped back.

"Bakugou came to All Might a few days ago, he said that you attacked him and he could barely breathe afterwards. That's reason enough for a suspension but-"

All Might stepped in, "but we need to hear your end of the story- to know if he left anything out, decide the proper punishment."

I leaned back in the boxy leather chair and crossed my arms. "I honestly don't remember that very well." Now that I think about it, a lot happened that day. A lot... "I ran into him after school, and we started bickering as usual then he puched me. I tackled him then we just started yelling.." I kind of lost control that day..

"You used your quirk?" All Might asked.

I looked up at his tall figure dumbfounded, "yes. I used my quirk," I said with as much annoyance as possible.

"Midoriya please, try to-" he tried to calm me down again.

"Don't tell me what to do, All Might," his name felt like poison in my tone. I stood up and swiped my hand through the air. "I don't want anything to do with you. Suspend me if you have to, I'm done with this." It turned and strided out of the room. After slamming the door shut, I leaned my back against it.

"Well, that was unexpected." Nezu said, his voice muffled through the door.

"I'm not too surprised," All Might Sighed. "I've been worried about that one for a while now. He's had a lot of.. trouble lately. I'm concerned he might-"

I didn't listen to any more and headed back to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Uh- Midoriya, your friends wanted me to make sure you're okay." A girl with brown hair and round eyes came up to me as I walked into the large room. "They said you weren't talking to them, so they asked me. Sorry." She smiled sheepishly.

I stared at her, becoming further annoyed, then glanced to the table Todoroki, Shinsou and I normally sat at. They were nothing watching the interaction closely.

"I'll speak to them myself," I grumbled, pushing her out of my way and heading towards them.

"Listen," I slammed my hand on the table. "You wanna know if I'm okay, well I'm not. I'm pissed. Ayuka wasn't supposed to die like that, she was supposed to have more time! You two stopped me from saving her!"

By now, there were tears in my eyes and I had gotten the attention of most the students in the cafeteria. I glared around, Bakugou turned his head as my eyes passed him, the other students just stared.

"I'm gonna get my lunch, and you're gonna leave me alone," I grumbled, glaring at Shinsou and Todoroki from the corner of my eye.

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