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I'm running. I have to get away. What's wrong with me.

I just pushed him and took off.

I looked back several times, missing the warmth and sense of hugging him. He was confused, then breaking down, Iida started to confort him and they watched me go.

Finally, I just shut it out and planted one foot in front of the other, going as fast as I could.

"Todoroki, are you alright? Should I go after him?," Iida asked, conflicted.

Shouto shook his head, "I'll be okay." He hadn't been expecting to save Midoriya, he wasn't stupid enough to get his hopes up like that. He just wish he hadn't ran away again..

"What are you doing here? Didn't you go to your father's agency in-"

"I did. They had me patrolling here," Shouto explained, calming himself down. "I guess no-one up there wanted to deal with me."

People started running and yelling from around the corner as I could see another blazing fire.

Someone grabbed me and picked me up as he was running away which only made me annoyed. "Don't go that way kid, there's a mo-!" I cut him off and clawed at his face, making four long cuts across his cheek. He dropped me immediately and fell to his knees.

"I'm the only real monster here, idiot," I growled as I got to my feet. Just let out some steam.. I saw more and more people running in panic and remembered my job here.

I tackled someone to the ground and she was crying uncontrollably. My eyes flashed red, she tried to get away from me and began screaming her head off.

I left the girl where she was and went on to the next person. I pinned this guy against the wall, my nails digging into his skin and he just froze up.

Next. I shoved someone and they shattered the storefront they crashed into. Next. My eyes went red and someone stumbled back into a fire. Next. Slammed someone's head into the concrete.

One moment I was on the ground and the next, I nearly fell of a roof.

"We've done what we came here to do, let's go Midoriya," Kurogiri caught my shoulder.

I huffed, still hyped up on adrenalin and the power. There was so much panic and chaos, I thrive in chaos. This is why I do it, I smiled, this feeling, the joy.

Kurogiri opened a warp gate and we all walked through, finding ourselves in the hotel's hallway.

The plain white light and complete silence was a stark contrast to the fires, panic, blood and all that. Everything seemed to slow down in an instant, it was kind of nauseating how quickly the change of pace came.

All of the high of my power went away as soon as the silence came and I could think clearer. My heartbeat calmed and my breaths became deeper, more full.

"I'm going to be real pissed if that damned hero killer gets more attention than us in the media.." Shigaraki grumbled as Kurogiri disappeared into his room.

"Oh," I started. "I kinda sorta ran into him earlier."

This got his attention. "..and what did you do?"

"Nothing really," I admitted, shrugging. "I heard him speaking and agreed with him so I let him do whatever, besides, I ended up arguing with some former classmates."

"Classmates, huh? Just argueing too?," he raised a brow. "You're too soft, and anoying."

I shook my head, "well sorry that I don't want to hurt innocent people, especially since I used to know them."

"Ha!," he laughed at that. "You contradict yourself so much, moron. You do remember that you've killed people, right? A lot of people. And probably more tonight, not all of them 'deserved it'."

"It's-!," I started to defend myself but he just went into his room. "It's complicated," I sighed then went into my own room.

I hopped onto the bed and saw on the digital clock that it was past midnight already. I turned on the tv and flipped through the channels for a minute before finding a current news station.

They showed some phone-recorded videos along with a helicopter camera from earlier tonight. What annoyed me was that there was someone who had recorded the interraction between Shouto and I.

They then transitioned to a different video of Shouto. "Now, we warn you that this video may be too graphic for some viewers," the reporter said, making me narrow my eyes and watch the screen carefully.

"The young hero-interns became involved in trying to capture one of these attackers," she said as Shouto rushed into the crowd of terrified civilians. "He used a fire quirk to attack the flying creature but that only appeared to make it more agitated."

I gritted my teeth, this nomu had a heat-resistant ability.

The nomu dove and crashed into him, his teeth sinking into Shouto shoulder.

"The boy, who was later identified by a friend as Shouto Todoroki, the son of the late Endeavor, was badly injured. When other pro's were able to get the creature off of him, he had already lost a lot of blood from his wounds. He is currently being treated at Notamori hospital, nearby, and is in unstable condition."

The castor moved on to reporting the injured among the civilians and the current situation with the nomu's.

I jumped out of bed, pulled my hood up and redid my mask before heading to the door. As I opened it into the hall, Shigaraki was standing there and got hit by the door.

He stumbled back and held his hand up to his bleeding mouth, I think his chapped lips split again from being so dry. "Ass," he muttered.

"What're you doing here? I thought you'd go to sleep, or something."

He scoffed, wiping blood on his black shirt. "As if. I was watching the news and seeing as you're leaving like this," he gestured to my hood and mask, "I assume you were too."

"Okay. So?"

He rolled his eyes. "You're not gonna be stupid. I put up with all your running around after the USJ, but not this time. You're gonna get us all caught."

"But Shouto, he's-"

"Pribably gonna be fine. Besides, I saw that clip before he started attacking the nomu, you and I both what that meant so don't undo it."

"Shut up! You don't know shit about me. Don't you dare pretend that you do."

"Was or was it not a goodbye?"

I looked away, gritting my teeth. "It was."

"Then let it stay that way."

"I just want to make sure he's okay..! I have to."

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Don't talk to him, don't let him see you, either."

I looked to the floor then nodded.

(Lowkey bullshitting my way through these last few chapters, it's probably obvious lmao I wrote over 1000 words in like 30 minutes on this one)

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