19-A Theory And An Apology

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"That doesn't make any sense.." I muttered as I shook my head. "My quirk makes people see their worst fear, or just become terrified. I can't 'turn fear into energy' or whatever the fuck you said," I scoffed, annoyed.

"Midoriya," Kurogiri spoke, demandingly. "You know that quirks are often not what the user first beleives and they gain a better understanding over time."

"Yeah. And I've had about ten years to learn about this damn quirk."

"And how many times have you actually used it to know how it works?" Shigaraki asked. "I beleive you've used this aspect of your quirk only a few times, by accident."

I sighed. It's possible I guess, but insane. "Like Aizawa's test.." I muttered.

"Exactly. Do you think that you could beat Bakugou's scores any other way?"

No, I thought. With Bakugou's strength and agility, there's no way I should've been able to beet him. I even made the guy with engines in his legs jaw drop after the relay. Definately no.

"So what now?" I asked, leaning back in my chair.

"Now," Shigaraki sighed, "You practice. Recognize others fears, use it to make you stronger.."

"That's it?" I asked. "Practice? I never even considered this a possibility, how am I supposed to do this on purpose? What am I supposed to do?"

Shigaraki shrugged with an annoying grin, "well how would I know that, it's not my quirk."

My eyes snapped as I crossed my arms. If I wanted to use fear as a power, I had to remember what was happening during the physical exams. The moment the softball left my hand, I knew something was different, it flew through the air and gave backlash, it felt powerful, insane. But I didn't know how I did it, I got up there expecting to fail.

"Wait, your eyes are green? I could've sworn they were brown earlier.."


I thought about it all on my way home. What Shigaraki was thinking, what Todoroki said, how I use my quirk; the peices fit together but there was one missing: I have no idea what I'm doing.

As I walked through the front door of my house, voices filled the air. Miss Kana's, Ayuka's and one I wasn't expecting.

I turned around the corner with a confused look. "Todoroki?"

"There you are!" Kana jumped out of her seat and rushed over to wrap he arms around me. "Where have you been?"

"What are you doing here," I asked Todoroki to avoid answering Kana's question.

"To talk," he glanced over to Kana and Ayuka for a moment. "In private, if that's alright."

I crossed my arms and stared at him for a minute. "Yeah, come on," I turned around and headed to the staircase leading to my room.

"Listen," Todoroki started the moment the door was sealed. "I wanted to apologize, for ignoring you. I needed time to think on my own. I also want to explain why I was upset in the first place."

I walked across the room and leaned against my desk. "Alright, go ahead."

He sighed again. "Midoriya, the look on his face held nothing but terror.. I know that was the effect of your quirk but you could have stopped at any moment. You were acting like he would, yelling and intimidating him like that. ....but, I know he's said and done worse and that you've known him a lot longer than I. ....If I had let myself, I probably would have snapped a long time ago.."

The room went quiet for a while and his pointed eyes stayed focused on my own.

"So... you're.. not mad at me?" I cocked my head to the side wifh a raised eyebrow.

He gently shook his head, "..not anymore." He continued staring for a moment, with a look that was almost... sceptical.

I hate that look..z
(Umm sorry I haven't updated in a while and this is short af..)

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