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being the center of attention was something that corbyn was totally used to. after all, being born into a wealthy family and having a well-known family surname was something that made people look at him always.

everyone at school used to always talk about the clothes he wore, about his new haircut, or about his relationship with jack avery. however, this time it was different. since christina's party after the bicentennial tigers championship, everyone was talking about how jack had cheated on him with his best friend, gabbriela gonzalez. and more importantly, about how corbyn had cheated jack also with the boy who made the whole school tremble just by mentioning his name, zach dean.

corbyn let out a long sigh and practiced again the smile with which he would greet everyone. he had to look calm and natural, as if this whole situation hadn't affected him at all, but the truth was different. corbyn had spent the entire weekend crying over losing who he thought was the love of his life, and losing the friendship of a girl he considered a sister.

the pain in his chest was real, and it hurt every time he remembered those words. those damn words. 'what i want you to know, is that i've been sleeping with jack avery for more than three months.' corbyn bit his lower lip and closed his hands in fists trying futilely to forget that memory. corbyn had to take a long, deep breath to avoid breaking at this moment.

he was not going to cry, not again.

"is everything all right, master corbyn?" muttered freddie, the man corbyn's father paid him for being his son's driver.

the blonde was sitting in the back seat of his family's car, which he used to arrive at school every day. he was so nervous that he still didn't dare to go out. he did not want to think about how they would all look at him.

at that moment corbyn realized that not only did he have to worry about what others think about him, but also about what zach would think about this situation.

what if he had already heard the rumor and had denied any relationship with me? what if at this moment i was the one to laugh at the whole school?

corbyn hoped it wasn't that way, because that was only going to make him look like the boy whose horns had been put on him and also, a great liar. suddenly, the roar of a motorcycle's engine entering the parking lot of the high school caught the attention of the blond.

zach dean was known for driving a black harley davidson motorcycle, and he was 'known' because everyone knew that anyone who dared to scratch his motorcycle was a dead man or woman.

there was a rumor in which it was said that there was once a boy who threw his cigarette too close to the zach motorcycle, and by accident he had burned the seat. nobody heard about that boy again, absolutely nobody.

although it wasn't known exactly if the boy who disappeared mysteriously existed. there were all kinds of rumors about zach, but no one knew which were real or which were false. those days it was rumored that he had tattoos that had been done in prison.

when the brown-haired boy got off the motorcycle, he took off the black helmet from his head and ran a hand through his ruffled hair; he made everyone around him stare at him. zach could be one of the most dangerous guys but also one of the most attractive.

everyone who was attracted to boys was interested in him. but nobody dared to speak to him, unless he spoke to them first, although that didn't happen often. zach pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pants pocket and lit one and then put it to his mouth. everyone was looking at him, and given his attitude, corbyn supposed he should be totally used to the attention over him. however this time the attention he was receiving was excessive.

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