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"let me see if i understood correctly." zach murmured, shaking his head. the idea was simply inconceivable. he was aware that tate was in love with anna.

but marry her? the mere fact of seeing tate in love and established in a responsible relationship surprised him, knowing that she also had plans to marry anna was incredible.

"you asked anna for marriage. you, tatum dahl." her best friend shrugged, without taking her eyes off the road. "i just... i can't believe it, tate. you, who said so many times that you would never marry because you did not believe in such a thing as marriage. you didn't even think you were capable of engaging with someone!" exclaimed zach raising his hands. "and so, suddenly, you are already committed to marry one. and not with anyone. with anna seavey the most cheesy person in the world."

"what's wrong with anna?" tate asked in an annoyed tone and frowned. "she's perfect. and i love her. why should i not want to get married with her? i don't say we need it. we both agree that we don't need a piece of paper to prove anything. but we have decided that we want it. so what is the problem?"

"no, there's nonw, tate, don't get me wrong. it's just... i'm very surprised, you have to understand. i thought you would die old and alone still voicing in the boxing ring. no offense. i just wasn't prepared for this. "

yes, there was a problem with all that. zach was jealous of the situation. he wished corbyn felt that way towards marriage.

"when you know it, you know it, z. she is the woman of my life." tate sighed with a dreamy air and a smile on her face.

she was in love with anna. and zach knew it. from the beginning, tate had taken too much trouble with what anna was referring to. usually, when someone wasn't interested in tate, she simply gave up and five minutes later she was looking at another.

no one had ever made a difference, no one had caught the attention of tate enough to keep her hooked. anna had not only kept him hooked, he had had him eating from the palm of his hand for months; and the funny thing was that she didn't even notice it.

anna was beautiful, no doubt, but her personality and strong character had made a difference. there were many beautiful women like anna in the world, but there were not two like her. and luckily because zach was worth with dealing with one.

both fit perfectly and zach was sure they understood each other as no one else could. and they endured like no one would ever be willing to do.

"well, i'm happy for you." zach said sincerely, smiling broadly and watching the traffic stagnate a few meters away from us.

he clicked his tongue. corbyn was waiting for him at home to go to a presentation by jack, who was going to participate in a musical. he had been talking about it for weeks and his eyes shone with pride for jack. the curly-haired boy was finally doing what he liked to sing the most. and the whole group of friends was going to support him.

besides, zach didn't want to be late and receive a scolding from corbyn.

"and what are you waiting for, zach? you've been telling me that you want to marry corbyn, that you love him, that you don't know how to ask him." tate rolled her eyes. "are you waiting for corbyn to ask you? i mean, that would be perfect. but since you wanted to ask him, i don't understand why you haven't done it. "

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